So, I hope to take the lessons and mistakes I learnt from this game and go forth in a new game. While I could continue my mistakes were repeated to much to often to go on.
Here are some mistakes I had;
1 ] I did not taking into account the maintenance cost of current or future mercenaries I hired. Its very easy to lose a war when you go bankrupt from hiring mercenaries multiple times. Like when I hired more troops and then the very next month went bankrupt. Causing the mercs to join the enemy.
2] I forgot to take a moment and check peoples status. Weather that be there wealth or there military or there age. Leting a character die because you think the heir is above 16 when the heir is below 10 is a bad time. This includes checking my allies and pacts and others allys and pacts, and also future potential allies.
For example: if guy I am thinking of going to war against has a kid about to turn 16 and be married off to the kid of a power ful nation. Dont declare war on that nation until you can ruin the alliance.
Another note: Catholics, and Muslims have a lot of holy orders to call on to defend against heathens. Watch out for that in that future.
3 ] I need to keep a closer eye on the factions in my nation. This was a one time mistake this game but it was large enough for me to be take from a five province duke to a single province count.
All these mistakes, the ones listed and the ones not, are hopefully things I can learn from. Doing an AAR has actually helped me learn more about This game.
Oh. I m on my third new ruler since the last update. I made to many mistakes back to back to back in the last time I played, I dont feel like I can crawl my way forward to a fun position. I currently feel like I am in a Kobayashi Maru situation so am just going to end this AAR here.
I am sorry.
I do not play CKs, so I might have been missing some background info, but it was neat to see it written up like this in first person.