Wednesday, 6 November 2019

AAR - House Khon - Intermission One

Okay, I realize that the way I am doing this After Action Report, is probable going to be Atypical, so I will have these Intermissions spread out through them which will probable be more accurate, and with pictures. Speaking of pictures here are two pictures showing the top 10 countries (By points) and religion (by authority).

As you can see, Hindu and Sunni who are my neighbours are very strong. Also the Nation of U-Tsaing has a high score, and a rather large army. So I need to play smarter then I have been. Yes I haven't been playing that smart, if you've read the other AAR.

The first few wars I did, I failed at. I am not used to people having holy orders, either being the same religion as me, or in religions that do not have much access to Holy Orders. I am also not really used to people buying Mercenaries, Never really seen this happen to my memory in all my history of playing Crusader Kings 2. But I should of realized if I can do both those things, so can the Hindus and Muslims in the area.

I am the nation with the red line through it. If I want to succeed and not be squished by any of the big powers. I have to be careful, and sneaky. If there is a major revolt in either the two big countries, and I can afford mercs, I should go to war to see if I can win some land. I know how much CK 2 likes to blob, so I guess I will try to myself Blob, in any way I can.

Most of the AAR will not be like this, but every so often I will do one of these Intermissions.

Wish me luck. Looks like I need it.

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