Friday, 8 November 2019

AAR - House Khon - Part Three

So, I hope to take the lessons and mistakes I learnt from this game and go forth in a new game. While I could continue my mistakes were repeated to much to often to go on.

Here are some mistakes I had; 

1 ] I did not taking into account the maintenance cost of current or future mercenaries I hired. Its very easy to lose a war when you go bankrupt from hiring mercenaries multiple times. Like when I hired more troops and then the very next month went bankrupt. Causing the mercs to join the enemy. 

2] I forgot to take a moment and check peoples status. Weather that be there wealth or there military or there age. Leting a character die because you think the heir is above 16 when the heir is below 10 is a bad time. This includes checking my allies and pacts and others allys and pacts, and also future potential allies.

For example: if guy I am thinking of going to war against has a kid about to turn 16 and be married off to the kid of a power ful nation. Dont declare war on that nation until you can ruin the alliance.

Another note: Catholics, and Muslims have a lot of holy orders to call on to defend against heathens. Watch out for that in that future.

3 ] I need to keep a closer eye on the factions in my nation. This was a one time mistake this game but it was large enough for me to be take from a five province duke to a single province count. 

All these mistakes, the ones listed and the ones not, are hopefully things I can learn from. Doing an AAR has actually helped me learn more about This game.

Oh. I m on my third new ruler since the last update. I made to many mistakes back to back to back in the last time I played, I dont feel like I can crawl my way forward to a fun position. I currently feel like I am in a Kobayashi Maru situation so am just going to end this AAR here. 

I am sorry.

Thursday, 7 November 2019

AAR - House Khon - Part Two

Glypo Khon Shakya Lodro of Uttaranchal

Ruled from 13th of December 1108 to 25th of March 1130

He was a good ruler. He was put in a bad place to start with what with being in a losing war when he took over the throne. He managed to not lose to much face when he white peace lost money, and prestige but it wasn't a surrender, and we the people understood that what he would bring to the table or lose on the table would be in the future so we didn't hate him for losing that war.

The first war that our great leader Khon Shakya Lordo declared was a strategic choice. He wanted his grandfathers land back, and used the U-Tsang civil war to his advantage to regain the land that was lost. Then he decide to try and hunt down the white bear for the first time, to no avail.

He tried his hand at raiding his neighbours but each raiding party was successfully beaten back. This didn't hold his plans to hunt the White Bear. Though none of the hunts for the Great White Bear was successful, He and his loyal hunting dog went out several times. It is believed that during one of these hunts he got the Illness that plagued Glypo Khon Shakya Lodro for most of his life.

During a time of peace of the court physician cured his illness, but it cost him more then it should of. After that point he became an Eunich for the rest of his life.

Being a man who was careful to watch the going on of the wars and politics of the world. He saw that one of the lands to the south was being invaded from two sides, and decided this was the optimal time to take land. So expanded the west as well, he noticed that U-Tsung was at war, and tried to gain more land from U-Tsung. Unfortunately for him, the war wasn't major enough for them to be distracted long enough for our army to scoop land. But it was a white peace, we lost some money, but not a lot, and got away with most of our lives.

Calling in his many allies to defend against a Raja in the massive land to the West claim on some land that we own was a smart move. There army was just to large for us to deal with on our own. Its during this last war that the Great Glypo Khon Shakya Lordo of Uttaranchal was taken away from us due to natural causes.

The Glypo is dead. Long live the Glypo.

Glypo Khon Shakya II Lodro of Uttaranchal

Ruled from 25th March 1130 to 17th October 1131

Okay, due to the last two Glypo Uttaranchal has had living up to the age of 62 and 67 I didn't expect to have to do this at all. I expected to be dead by the time the next Glypo died. But Glypo Khon Shakya II of Uttaranchal didn't even set up a council to rule the many aspects of the Kingdom. He just jumped into leading the army against the invaders, and thought he was invincible and the best at everything.

This feeling of being invincible due to being the Glypo, and at the age of 42 decided that with no combat experience, that he could take on anyone in a duel. He challenged a much better enemy commander to a one on one duel, and lost his life. Putting his ten year old son on the throne.

He couldn't even stop the invasion force before he died. I hope to be dead by the next time the Glpyo dies.

Wednesday, 6 November 2019

AAR - House Khon - Intermission One

Okay, I realize that the way I am doing this After Action Report, is probable going to be Atypical, so I will have these Intermissions spread out through them which will probable be more accurate, and with pictures. Speaking of pictures here are two pictures showing the top 10 countries (By points) and religion (by authority).

As you can see, Hindu and Sunni who are my neighbours are very strong. Also the Nation of U-Tsaing has a high score, and a rather large army. So I need to play smarter then I have been. Yes I haven't been playing that smart, if you've read the other AAR.

The first few wars I did, I failed at. I am not used to people having holy orders, either being the same religion as me, or in religions that do not have much access to Holy Orders. I am also not really used to people buying Mercenaries, Never really seen this happen to my memory in all my history of playing Crusader Kings 2. But I should of realized if I can do both those things, so can the Hindus and Muslims in the area.

I am the nation with the red line through it. If I want to succeed and not be squished by any of the big powers. I have to be careful, and sneaky. If there is a major revolt in either the two big countries, and I can afford mercs, I should go to war to see if I can win some land. I know how much CK 2 likes to blob, so I guess I will try to myself Blob, in any way I can.

Most of the AAR will not be like this, but every so often I will do one of these Intermissions.

Wish me luck. Looks like I need it.

Tuesday, 5 November 2019

AAR - House Khon - Part One

Khon Sherab Tsulrim of Sayka.

Looked to the North and say two large kingdoms the ruling Queen of one country married to the King of the other country. Have to do my best to make both the King and the Queen like me. So that I can find a way to upgrade my life. So my land is lost between kids fighting.

South seems more viable. A small kingdom and a small dutchy [Raja] Lets go raiding both of them. Lets consintrate on the Raja. Found an axe. Good omen. Lets try to take some land from this guy.

Wait hold up. Wait. Hold he has money? How does he have money I raided all his land. Urg. Okay. Lets white peace this and go back to raiding. I seem to be good at the looting people.

Okay. So still have peace treaty with duchy lets try kingdom of Nepal. They have been really well looted. Should be an easy grab. Wait. Hold up. You have an ally with five thousand troops? Lets back out of that. Another white peace? Okay okay. 

Back to looting. Okay I'm now in my late 30s and not any Closer to keeping my land together. The Raja peace treaty is over. They are looted. They have no allies. Due to being looted no one wanted to fight for them. What can go wrong with trying to claim the land that is mine because its on my border? 

We are winning. No no no. Holy warriors? I guess you are not buddhist like me but are Sunni. You can gather holy warriors to beat me up. But if I white peace before the warriors beat me up I will still have an army. Yes do that.

Okay what do I do now? The North is still scary two kingdoms. My omen about the south was off. Dont own the right land to make a Raja of my own. Im getting into my 40s now. Need something.

Okay new plan go west. There is a few independent lords that way. We can go about stealing there land. Lets loot them first. Because thats never failed before.

Okay one down two ... Okay big emperor made west ward expansion limited. But when I have more money lets go west once more. 

Wait hold up the peasants are revolting? Damn Sunni peasants. Time to extort my people to buy mercenaries to squish these revolting peasants. Oh crud almost went bankrupt. Time to loot some more.

Wait hold up. The peasants are rising up again? i was just about to go to war with this count dudette. All my allies pledge support but are too busy with other things. Okay so the peasants united these two counties together? Oh snap he might form the Raja before I can. Need to declare war now for my county back.

Got my old land back and now im 49 this isnt good at all. Okay going to be a truce breaker and declare war two years after the peace. Need the land to form the Raja. Yes. I am now the Galypo of Utteranchal.

Woot that was much easier. West was easy. Time to go back to looting. Okay Nepal ate the Raja very interesting. Whats this? A pair of Sai okay cool. But remember the axe. Not a sign.
Just rest, and loot. That is all I need to do, so I can afford Mercs encase I am invade. Just keep raiding people and avoiding there armys. Oh? One of my allies called me into war. Sure I will claim to support my ally, while not sending any troops to help.

Now I can relax slightly. The Two huge rulers have become one land ruled by one ruler. Which is really scary. But raiding away! Hmm? Whats this? A strange metal chest? Where was it found? To the south? In the Buddhist holy site, owned by the Large nation of Nepal to the south? I know i've done this twice before. But this time the stars have lined up that Buddhist land will grow.
To war I go! Oh no, Im losing. Call in the allies. Yes Nepal, I know have allies. A-ha. Im winning now. No, a Galypo in the north declared war on me. To gain the territory must stop him, but he is stronger then me. Hmm. What if I kill the leader, that might end the war.
That did not work. His child son is now leading the war. Okay. What if I killed his son, that must work. No now there is a young girl leading war effort. Okay that didn't work. I will have to let the large Buddhist kingdom to the North take land.
Will do my best to win the holy land because I will not have any other chance to win. Oh, I feel bad, being six eight years old. I might be dying. I am on my death bed, and Im leaving more land for my son, but also lost some of our starting land. Unsure if that is a win or a lose.

CK 2- AAR - House Khon - Set-up

House Khon, Khon Sherab Tsulrim of Sayka.
Buddhist count Other side of the mountains of Nepal.
Flamboyant Schemer - Education

traits - Vajarayian Buddhist, Stubborn, Trusting, arbitrary, and deceitful.
September 15th, 1066 start date

Step one: Re-arrange my council so the best people have the best jobs. And or invite people to fill the council jobs.

Step two: Bribe the wheels to get a wife that I want. That was a waste of money, that didn't work. Just invite some woman to court, and then Marry her. Hope it works out.

Step three: Increase my fertility, because I want to groom a heir and have a family.

Step four: start the time ticking away

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