Tuesday 16 January 2018

Maverik's Will and Testemont

Will and Testamont

If your reading this one of two things has occurred, I either died, or your a damn good thief. If the latter, my hats off to you. I am going to continue this as if your reading this after I have died. I hope it was a good death, and not because I couldn't control my emotions. I now one of these days, my emotions are going to cause me to do something stupid if I don't control them well.

There are a few things that I would like done. If I didn't die a good death, keep how I died a secert. Come up with some other way for me to have died. Don't let the world know I was a fool. I trust Orie to be able to do this, and if he is also passed on, some one in the party can come up with a good reasonable death for me.

The only other thing is I request my body, and if that is not doable, a body with identifable features returned to my family Tomb in Tonnoka mine. My family deserves to have some place where they can mourn the lose of the middle child. They deserve to not worry about where the body of there sibling or son is, even if its not his body.

Orie Frostbeard. My battle brother. If I have my swords, and they are not named. I trust you to give them a serious name fitting the prime main prime Fist of Justice. Trust is something you have earnt. Don't make my regret giving you this job. This task. This great monental task.

Find some one who can help you on our task to stop this thing? This Mayhem? This crazy stuff? Thing you are cursed to finish. This elder job that you are burdened to do, that if ti wasn't for you would just steam roll the world with no one to stop it.

At the time of writing this I am not cursed to do what we are doing, I just know too much. I am burdend with knowledge. Justice is a force that can't be stopped, but it needs physical manefestation. I was doing my bes tto do Justice's will. That is why I, and we, were the Hand or Hands of Justice.

Ehrin, Dafka, and all the others that we will hopefully have with us at this time. May they and you Orie continue being the embodiment of Justice. May you all do what is write and Just. Not what the corrupt people feel is right. Not what the monsters think is right, but what is Objectivelly Just. What is Just in one situation, is Just in all situtaions. Its how the Force of Justice – is, its how it always has been, its how it always will be.

Maverik Tonnoka, The Fist of Justice

After Script – Orie, I hope you know that during all our adventures I was just gambling. I mean that I have no idea what I was doing, absolutely no idea. I was just using what training and education I had to do the Best I could in a situation outside my knowledge. I hope it worked more then it didn't. Also don't think I didn't notice you calling me and others, your stuff. Like Your Hulk, because I did notice that.

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