Monday 22 January 2018

March of Madness Party

I play Maverik. He is trying to bring Justice back to a world that feels is lost the way. He is born into a new money type of Nobility. He was perfectly okay doing hard labour, in the family die, until his dad died suddenly when he was five years younger then he is now. This caused him to take what he could and run into the life of adventurer. He has learnt that he is rather good at fighting, and that the Human fighter has collected a few different type of weapons. He is LG Human Fighter, and would protect all those that he cares about. He is very slow to trust people, the only person he really trusts is Orie. Though there are only really two areas he trusts Orie in, on the battlefield and to achieve there current mission.

Ehrin is a half-elf Thief (its first Edition Advance Dungeons and Dragons). She seems to be able to take what she needs to live, and is CN. We rescued her from a Goblin slave cage. We never figured out why the Goblins didn't just kill her, but She is very good at disapearing, and Archery. She keeps coming and leaving the party. Currently she is not with the party. She will be back, sometimes people lifes are like that though.

Orie Frostbeard is a CG dwarf of Klangidin, the God of War. In first Edition, Clerics have to use blunt weapons, due to not suppose to drawing blood. On the other hand Orie is very good at Torturing people. He has an item that is currently torturing his mind, and this might cause us some issues in the future. He and Maverik have been through so much, they are now blood brothers. He is also somewhat of an inventor, one of his inventions is theft proof money pouches.

Divka is a rather short halfling, who also happens to be a CN Druid. Just don't mention that she is short if you value your ability to hear anything ever. She is the newest member of the team, but she is very lively, and loud. I expect great things from her. Due to the fact that I've seen her player roleplayer, she is on of the best I have seen in all my years of Rping. She is so good she could RP circles around everyone I've ever rped with.

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