Tuesday 23 January 2018

Maverik - Mines of Selandre

Name: Maverik Tonnika Race: Human Age: Class: Fighter
Level:  6   XP: 48,226      Alignement: LG

 AC: 3
AC without Shield: 4
HP: 43 / 43

Attacks: 3/2

Strength: 18/57                 Augemented Strength: 19   +3 to hit
Dexterity: 13                                                                +13 damage (using hands)
Constitution: 13                                                             +7 Damage
Intelegence: 13                          Gold Pieces: ____18__
Wisdom: 13                            Silver Pieces: _____16___
Charisma: 13                           Copper Peices: ___30_____

Magical Equipment:
Girdle of Hill Giant Strength
 Klangadin Charm + 1 to saves – +5% to save vs Magic
Gauntlet of Orge Strength
 Ring of Freedom of Movement
Elder Sign – Causes fear in Elder Minions
SpellBreaker Amulet– +1 to saves – +5% to save vs Magic

Easy Access Equipment___7___ – throwing knifes __2____ - Healing Potion               Potion of Invunerablity
___1___ - Regeneration Potion ___1___ - Potion of Heroism  ___2___ - Oil Flasks                                 Windshear                             Silver ShortSword
Cold Iron Great Axe                               Spear + 1                      Grandfather's ring
Winter Clothes

Other Equipment
Lantern                   10 foot Pole                Chalk              Pick Axe               Canteen
Tobagan                  Whistle

Backpack Equipment
lantern             _3_ Bottles of Good Wine                      __1_ Greater Healing Potions
Good Quality Paintbrush                __1_ Potions of Heroism          _4_ Healing Potions
 _1__ Exploding Potion      __2_ cans of Red Paint __1_ cans of orange red paint __5_Oil Flasks
___ Throwing Knives ___ Darkvision Potion

Brown Sack Equipment
Carpenter Tools                  Deck of Cards             __1_ Golden Necklace        Needle and Thread
Fresh Clothes              __1_Spears __1_Great Axe              80 foot of rope __6_ Rations
Bucket                 Camo Tent                    Blood Ruby

Special Abilites:
1 per day heal spell

Battle Axe: 1d8               Spear: 1d6              Longsword: 1d8
Dagger: 1d4                Shortsword: 1d6

Grond Steelhammer – Master Blacksmith Craigmire – Aprentice Blacksmithing
Barvin – Bitter's End Innkeeper Ehrin – Barvin's Daughter

Nameless Aldermen – ruler of Bitter's End

Yaun-chi – Bartender
 Farlanghn – Carven Master

Wolf Creek
Rothgar – Sage
 The Earth Binder – The head of the earth church
 Candrel – Enchanter
Regner - Grandfather
Regner the Third - Brother

Clangeddin – God of War Lord of the Mountain – God of Knowledge
Earth God Death God Life God

The great Machine – Unknown – Needs to be killed or stopped

Elder Sign – Causes fear in Elder Minions
Bend bars / Lift Gates 50%
10% save vs magic
+2 to saves vs magic (against non good [Otherwise +1])

Windshear - +3, + 6 vs. fire using/dwelling creatures

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