Friday 30 January 2015

Ireland - CK II - AAR - Part 3

October 29th, 880
there are good things, even in times of constant war. My daughter needs some one to tutor her. Some one that will make life so good for me. I could choose some one who excels in a certain area. Like some one really good at knowing the ins and outs of politics. Or some one who knows the laws really well. But my princess deserves better then that. She deserves a well rounded education. Some one who is a jack of all trades, so that my princess will know everything really well. That is why Bishop Bruide of Con Doire will educate my daughter.

February 3rd, 881
I love Peasants. They are the best tools of war, especially when they rise up against our enemies, and pave a way for us to sneak in behind them to conquer and win this war. This war that's been going on forever.

February 28th, 881
I spoke to early in the early days of this month. The peasants had more horses then I expected and jumped my army. They attacked me. All I did was try and win a simple war.

December 12th 881
I just realized going back, that in 880 I wrote down the wrong date. I am really sorry about that. I hope who ever is reading this. Whenever they are reading it doesn't hold it against me. Anyways I think I may found a way around this war of mine. Boats. Simple easy I don't know why I didn't think of it before today. Its a great way to win a war. Now I just need to attack and win. That might be a bit harder said then done.

Before February 19th, 882
My spymaster died. I didn't even remember his name. Now I need to figure out who to replace him the problem is that I don't have any one that's even half as good as he was. So I am going to have some second rate man as my spymaster. I have decided on Fiachnae. Hes the best man for the Job.

September 30th, 882
Okay so Bishop Bruide of Con Doire, is trying to convince me that since he was such a good choice to be the Guardian of my elder princess, that he would also make a Better court Chaplion then my current one. Who happens to be my half-brother. The Half-brother who's son got married behind my back. My half-brother who deserves to rot in on a burning roof. Of Course I will choose Bishop Bruide of Con Doire over my dim half wit moronic loser of a brother.

November 17tth, 882
My half wit half dumb half-brother now wants to be my spymaster. While he is better at the job then my current one. I like Fiachnae, hes a good guy. So I will give him a chance. Give him a shot. I will hope the half forgets about it, thought that is highly unlikely.

November 11th, 883
This has been a dull year. Besides turning the tide in the war. Starting to win a long war, nothing has really happened this year. Unlike other years where ever little simple thing went wrong. Well Finn ally winning this war. Just got to keep the moment on my side, and win it harder. The enemy almost won this war. It was really embarrassing. Now though, Now I am winning.

On top of that, I need to pick a tutor and guardian for my son, He has a good strong head on his shoulder. I think I want him to be my elders son marshal so I will give him to who ever is the best fighter in my entire realm.

February 22, 884
OW OW OW OW. This year is not turning out good for me. This war is just going on way to long for anyone's good. Its so bad, that I know got an Arrow to my elbow. You got any idea how hard it will be to hold a scepter? Go on a hunt? Do anything that a good ruler is suppose to do now that my Elbow has had an arrow through it? It will be damn near painful. I cant believe this is happening to me. Me at the age of 57, just when my luck changes for the better it doesn't change at all.

July 9th, 884
It still hurts, this arrow through the elbow has certainly changed my life. I would say for the worse here. I wanted to gorge on all the lovely food the cook made for no apparent reason then I was depressed. I will have to eat just bread and water. I want to gorge myself but I'm still in pain. My cook is a good man over all. I cant blaim him for me getting hurt in the throws of war. I'm not giving him a raise though, he makes to much as it is.

May 15th 885
Oh god, First the Elbow arrow injury, and now I feel sick. I don't want to go on living. This feels like a war zone in my body. This is what hell must be like. I am glad I christian catholic. I will go to heaven where I belong, where all good holy belong. I . Sorry I just convulsed again This sickness is winning the war, just like my enemy's are winning the war on the outside.

August 3rd. 885
This stupid injury wont go away. But at least I feel alive, and can walk around the palace. Once again. So now that the war has turned against me once again. I need to figure a way to defeat the enemy army, and conquer the land that I need to achieve my goal for my daughters. How I love my daughters, They are just the greatest things that have been in my life. Why just the other day my youngest asked me where babies come from. This made my day, I am attributing this question to the reason why I am no longer sick.

August 30th, 885
YES! Today is a great day for me. My enemy died! I am alive and one of my prisoners just so happens to be the next in line for the throne. What a way to win a war! Through the stress of war! I guess the Seven Year Northern Ireland War was too much stress for my rival. It just proves that I am the better man. That I was destined to rule his land.

Okay, Now to fullfill my plan I need money, lots and lots of money. I think I can call an army of tribesmen together, plus my own people and loot my neighbours. I think there churchs should have more then enough money for me to fill my coffers and achieve my goal. I will do what I need to do, to achieve my goals of dukedom.

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