Tuesday 27 January 2015

Ireland - CK II - AAR - part 2

January 1st, 874

I am so proud for my son, whos finnaly come of age. He can now offically wreck shit and I wont be footing the bill. Good boy, he will make a good admininstator. I just have to makes sure he has a vast land to rule over. That should be easly to do. Just loot some neighbors, and conqouer some other people, and clang my son has a vast territory to rule.

January 14th, 874

Good Good. My noble and wise councilor has managed to do what we pay him for. Fake a claim to another county. This will be awesome. I just got to build a sizable army and clang this guy wont know what hit him. But I will. Oh boy will I know what hit him, the cold end of my armys sword as we wampa stomp his tiny ace back to the dark ages. The look on his face would be so priceless, I cant wait to see it. But time to prepare needs to be delt with. Maybe I will loot his ass before invading. Only time will tell. Only time will tel..

January 24th 874
I am so glad I have not let that rapscallion of a half brother breed. Now I will have to send my son into hidding just to keep him out of deaths hand. Death dealt by my half brother. Who will be dealt with in a just manor, for is there really any other way to deal with terrorists then in a just and fair manor, nay I say Nay. But to be safe, my son must go into hiding. He must not die, for he is the future of the Isle, the Future of the County, the future of me. He is my legacy, my descendant. I cant let him die.

February 8th, 874

Thankfully my half-brother is not a complete moron. He understands that when your leige tells you to stop plotting, you stop plotting. Which means I can bring my son out of hidding, He will be so happy to be a free man, well as free as a man who is getting married in ten years can be. His bride is still too young, but it will be a glorious marrage and a glorious union of two great people. I am assured.

February 13th, 874

The nomads in the mainland have decide that being nomads are not there thing anymore. Who am I to care what a bunch of nomads do? Who am I to care about some King in a far off land. I am still a nomadic tribesmen. I still move with my people, and hunt with my people. This doesnt concern me, why did that stupid messenger even thing of bringing this up with me. I will never know.

March 29th, 874

My damn witch of a wife. Okay shes not a witch. Shes way to diplomatic to ever even be considered a witch. Anyways shes pregnant with my daughter. Okay if its not my daughter there will be some hell to pay, and I wont be the one that has to pay Charon the boats man of the River of Styx. Nope that will be my dead wifes job, for if I dont get a girl it will be off with her head.

June 23rd, 874

Mark it on the Calander boys, this year is a good year to be us. Our good old friend Councilour Muiredach is a great man. Already got us a claim on another county. I believe this is a means to celbreate. I know the best way to celberate a good council persons job well done. That is to make sure all my council are married and happy. Hell I am in such a good mood my cranky half brother will get a wife. All good Celtic women of course. This will ensure a great future for our two counties. Today our neighbor tomorrow Scotland!

September 8th, 874

I had to make a hard choice again today. The cook out did himself today, made everything one could in a feast fit for Ceaser himself. That was the problem, I had to make the choice weather or not to gorge myself on all this food. The temptation was great, but then I remembered that one must know when to hold there vices in check and simply eat bread and water. My will has never been stronger then it was today as I eat my bread and drank my water.

September 9th, 874

I am glad I didnt gorge myself on food yesterday. Today I welcomed home a long lost lord who disapeared in 867. seven years ago almost to the day. Lifes weird like that, gone seven years to the day and shown up again. But as I have said in the past, I am always happy to see our fellow nobles come back and not be dead in a swamp somewhere. It shows hope that the people of this land are truly good people.

October 28th, 874

My wife is good to me, too good. She gave me what I wanted the most in the world a daughter. Its due to my daughters birth that I summoned my most trusted men to me. I swore to them that I would be king of All of Ireland and be the force to reckon with. I would be unstopable in my war to gain all that is ungainable. To not stop tell I was King of the greatest island to be given to this earth. That I would be the King and my daughter our greatest princess the land had ever seen. My princess Tomnat would be a real princess that would be showered with anything she ever could want.

December 1st, 874

As I said before, or ment to say, 874 has been a busy. How was I to know that at the end my whole world would be shattered; I, the future King Of Ireland was wrong. The very first peasent I said was innocent, just ended caught in the act. Which makes me think maybe the second one made sone sort of demon pact with each other to wipe out all there enemys. Strangers in a barn type of situation here, wouldnt surprise me to say the least. I hope the arrows through his stomach hurt like hell before he died. That would suit him

October 31st 875
So Merchants think they can just push there wears whereve and however they like. They dont realise that pushing there wears, no matter how well done they are, make people angry. I am tempted to punish them, but I realize that most of my income comes from my Kingdom. Without money makers they are no ways to have income so I need to just avoid the merchents for a while cool down, and relax.

December 21st, 875

I am training to be a better warrior. I attack dummies every day. Its dull though. Dummies cant fight back. I need a partner. Though it needs to be some one I can trust. Who better for me to trust then my heir, my son. He will help me become a better warrior and I can help him became a good warrior therefore a better leader. There is nothing better to lead then a warrior.

February 27th. 876
Crap my neighbors are in trouble. The have angried there peasants. They are attacking there lords. I hope my people dont end up hating me like that. That would just be bad for ruleing. Hmm. Though this does mean that they will both be easier to conquer and raid after wards. I like this, I dont like the fact that there is a Nord as my neighbor on this island, but I cant really do anything about this. This island should be for the true celtic people of the island, not some crummy invaders.

November 19th, 876
My son has brought a very important matter to my attention. Sure its a bit greedy of him, but he is a better business man and Julruller then my current steward, and therefore a better choice for steward of my land. My land that seems to be stalled and not currently expanding. I am just bidding my time. Making sure my army is large enough to stomp out all resistance. This Nord at my door step is currently to powerful to mess with. I need stronger allies before I boot him off the island. I hope my son doesnt disapoint me as I appoint him steward.

March 29th, 877
My wife is pregnant again. This is good. Another daughter will mean another option to get allies. Allies needed to defeat the Nord on my doorstep. Time to Raid and loot my neighbors. I should have a chance at great profit.

September 1st, 877
No, just no. There is a reason I didnt want my half-brother re-marrying. I guess I let him eventually due to some one else doing a good job. Okay that might not of been smart in hindsight, but anyways, His son. My Nephew. Will not be married. He is too close to my Family line to awared a wife. I think it would be better for my family. My son, my future grand kids if he took his voes. This way there would be no challenges to my throne. At least not a strong challenge weak challenges can be delt with fast and swiftly.

October 28th, 877
Shit this stupid wife of mine had a baby boy. Its a stupid fucking boy, that means my land will be divided between my kids. That is not good. That needs to change now. Not tomorrow, not in a week. I need to figure out some way some how to save my kingdom from falling apart. From being torn asunder from my kids inheriting differnent plots of land. There has to be a better swifter way.

July 28th. 878
I know I disliked my wife for being stupid and giving me a boy but I never wanted this to happen. My wife wasnt well after giving birth to my son. She survived tell today, my wife. My beuatiful young wife is now dead. This is a time to give. A time to think about the future, and the past. A time to reflect on our plans. I need to mourn the loss of my wife.

December 8th, 878
My nephew is smarter then I gave him credit for. He got married behind my back. This means I should also get married again. Dont want some fake like my nephew on the throne after I am gone.This also gives me an idea. I am a count, but if I was a duke my elder son would rule over my younger son and therefor they wont have to go to war to regain all I have lost. That will be a good thing. All the ladies are too young for me, I dont want to marry some one 36 years younger then me. I think found some one. Shes only 31 years younger then me, I still feel thats a big gap, but my son and daughter need a mother figure in there life so She will have to do. I know that my eldest son is just 3 years younger then my wife, but I and he will have to live with that.

On a side note, all my raiding recently has given me a nice profit.

April 25th, 879
Damn my luck, everything is not going my way. This war I am losing, I just hurt my son badly with a wooden training stick. Nothing is going my way. Heck my wife is spurning all my advances. Its like the world hates me right now. I had to spend all my money just to have a fighting chance in this war. This is not a good life for me.

October 28th, 879
I hope my luck is changing with my second wife being pregnant. Otherwise this is just going to go down hill extremely fast.

May 29th, 890
My Wife is a good person, she gave me the Princess I need, and I have to become a duke for my princess, a duchess is much better then a countess. Her beautiful name is Ben-Laigen, a great name. A name worth of a legend. I just have to figure a way to win this war. I cant afford to lose this war. I might be poor but I need to be able to win this war for my kids. My beautiful kids.

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