Monday 26 January 2015

CK II - Game One Part One

Day One
I have started my CK II game of Winter-Een-Mas fame and fortune as the Count of Ulaidb. He is an unmarried man of the age of 40. Over all my character is a good soul, humble, just and okay with where he is in life. He does have a young kid, and a stupid half brother. My first task will be to get married. Lets check out if there’s any local women that will be a good choice.

Ambition set to get Married. Picking a nice wife from one of the southern counties in Ireland. She has a claim to the county. This will help me conquer more of Ireland what only having the one County at the moment. Though my military isn’t strong enough to wage wars just let so I need a different focus then war. Seduction might be interesting, but I don’t think it fits my Count. Ruler-ship fits my count. He just wants to be a good chief for his people. Okay hitting play now. Hope this works out.

January 12th, 867

I got married today. Now I need to see if there is anything else I need to, or want to do. I didn’t realize I started out as a tribal people, that’s kinda sad. I didn’t want a Royal Aid Duty to pay for my wedding. I think that my own wealth or lack of wealth should speak for itself. Since I already have a son, I want a daughter too. This should help me get where I am going. Another thing I am going to do is increase my tribal law, though it will be a while tell I can get it to max. I have to start somewhere. Hmm onward.

April 1st, 867

Decided to try and raid my neighbor, because he went to war. Then Decided on the sixth that it wasn’t worth it. His army was way to close for comfort.

May 23rd,

My half brother wants to be married. Now I could marry him and continue my line, but I don’t want competition from him, and he has a kid. I am sorry if your wife died brother, but you should take the vows.

August 3rd
damn shites. Glad they are way far away from my beautiful Isle. My isle and county. People should stay away from me, and let me be alone. That is what I hope happens

January 15th, 868
A new year is upon us, and not even the first month is over and something has happened already. What is this here. A man is brought before me. A peasant, His wife and children where found dead with him covered in there blood. He claims to be innocence. Now is this the ramblings of a mad man? Should this mad man be hung and shown the error of his ways or thrown in jail so he can think about his crime? Or is he really innocent, and the real killer on the lose.

Can we commit a man to death, or jail without proof he did the crime? Is that the Just thing to do? No. I cant live with that on my soul. The man is to be set free. If that is the wrong thing to do then time will tell, if it was the right thing then time will also tell us that.

Seeing the problems that stretch across my county, I cant sit here and be content with it. Clearly it is my job to fix that which is wrong.
March 24th, 868
The legendary band of robbers calling themselves the Band O'Brothers have finally been caught and brought before. If I am to fix that which is wrong, no problem should be beneath me. These criminals will pay amercement, and learn the errors of crime. That Crime never pays in the long run.

April 4th. 869

This is really truly frustrating. Everything I do, to try and make this a good place to live. A lawful place, a place where people would want to not leave seems to be pointless. Every problem I solve another one crops up to take its place. This feels like there is no point to it at all. There seems to be no end in sight, maybe I should just give up.

No, No, and just no, I cant give up. If I give up the people will look at me and laugh, say hes not fit to rule. Even if my efforts do nothing to fix all the problems, people will look at me and say, there’s a man who doesn’t give up on his problems who just keeps going after them time and time again.

June 4th, 869

Okay this proves it. Another peasant who claims that he is innocent of killing his family, children and all. This proves that there is an animal hunting family, excluding husbands. They are trying to make me finish there work by killing or imprisoning the last man. I wont do this. I wont finish a killers job. This man is innocent!

December 28th, 869

My councilor has managed to bring together a bunch of zealots. Now since there is no heathens in the neighbor hood, there is another option. I can go use these men with my own troops to go raid and get me money. This might not work in the long run, but at least they will be besieging a count who is not me, and getting me money. That sounds like an awesome plan. Steal, Pillage, and burn. Steal Pillage, and burn.

November 22nd, 871
The last time I raided I got a bit of gold. So lets try the Norse men across the straight.

December 9th, 871
I hear of an army five times the size of mine. I am a smart man. I know when its time to call the order of retreat. RETREAT My men. Which means I need to raise ships so that I can loot some people. Okay my troops should be back here in a month so I will decide what to do Next year, but for now I will pray to god that my troops make it back here safely.

February 12th, 872

Just what I needed. My councilor managed to fudge a claim on the county I looted a while ago. This should make conquering my poor defenses, and still shambled neighbors easier. Go my troops, and the Zealots I also have. Go and conquer our neighbor.

April 4th, 873

I think its time, having just conquered that pesky neighboring count. I think its finally time to change my focus, my patient, my drive. While I still want a daughter, I just love the sounds of war. The sounds of Swords hitting shields. Its also the right time to increase our tribal Organization. Yes I feel good about the future.

My son will marry a cute girl when shes of age. The age gap isn’t that bad, shes only ten years younger. Heck my wife still might surprise me and give me a child. The future is a glorious thing that I will not let slowly slip me by. No. I have tasted victory and it is awesome. It is sweet. It is all mine.

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