Disclaimer: The following is a fan fiction, based on the Magic the Gathering multiverse, and rules. It is done purely for fun, my take on planeswalking and planeswalker. No profit is sought after.
"You, Random Stranger are probable wondering why I run the spell books that I do. Well its quite simple my friend. They fit who I am, they win they way I want to win. The abnormal, the unique, the strange ways to win. Well this time I will explain one spell book for ya.
"Take for example my plague deck, where nomarlly I would need to visit numerous planes to gather all the spells needed for it, this one I visited two, both dieing worlds. One was dying slowly, to and it had beings caught out of time, and out of death. I gathered some spells from there. I than continued on my way. It wasn't tell much latter that I even remembered that dying world.
"Oh, Yes. The world that I stumpled apon was very small. It was not always that way, let me explain. The plane orginally had two factions fighting for control over something extremely precious, but one side, decided to make sure the other side did not gather it. So they created and unleased a deadly toxin. Designed to wipe out there enemy. They had not counted on it being as strong as it was.
"They noticed it was killing everything in its path, so there strongest mages gathered resources together to put up a shield that nothing could enter or exist out of. It was fairly big, but only a fraction of the whole world. Now that was many years before I traveled there. I saw that they were begining to be to many people under the sheild. It made me realise most people do not attack there opponents reasourses.
"If I could build a deck, that would harness the attack on my opponent reasources, I could win, by ultilizing creatures that never truely die, and keeping the curve managable. I than went through my boxes upon boxes of spells, tell I found all my plague type spells, and creatures. Then my plague deck was born.
"Oh, did I tell you, I found a new group after moving to a different part of the multiverse? No? Well last week we met on there duelling plane, and I was not used to it. I wanted to make a mark, so I brought my plague spell book with me. I disrupted everything. No one had anything to use to win. The frustration on no mana, no hand, no creature, got so frustrating I actually one a moral victory, while my force field was over run by angels. I hate those accended angels, they make my blood burn.
"Oh, what was the Moral victory? I made some one give up, without seeing the end of the duel. It was like he just had enough with being denied his reosources. Some how while being denied reasourses he had assembled a grand old war chest of items. It was a very scary thing to look at. It was the first time I every fustrated an opponent to make them scoop, and I was happy that it was a first. I do not like being that evil guy that fustrates the group, That will get me kicked out eventaully.
"I think maybe because I play to change who wins, the Titans and God level planeswalkers that I hang out with tend to find me annoying. Okay theres about three to five of them that I hang out with, but still. It is amazing how we each travel the multiverse, with the same access to the same chances for spells, but we each come out of it differently.
"In the group there are at least three titans, the strongest planeswalker level of I have come across. I have heard and know of Deity Level, which are stronger, but never met any thankfully. Anyways theres the first one, he loves to have his spells and Summons in such a way that he wins by card interaction. By the by hes the one who planeswalked away during the match with my Plauge Spellbook.
"Than theres the one who loves to just punish and bash, and be agressive. He loves to win fast, and hard. So to speak. He and the previous guy mentioned are clearly the most experienced at the politics that go into these games. Thats why, in my opinion they can win more often than others. They can convince others to do what they want to who they want. Some times without even saying anything. Its kinda of scary.
"The third one, does the same thing sorta. Though he is inbetween the two in playstyles. He can and does do both the face smash, and the card interaction. I some times wonder if he buys people help, by being very helpful to others. He helps by bringing food for the pre game, and than plays stuff that helps everyone during the game. Its like hes saying, without saying, dont hurt me, I am helping you with your reasources. Its very hard to win, against these might titans, when I am a lonely Demigod level planeswalker.
"These three guys are all scary, but also really nice and friendly people. I know that contridicts itself but its how it works out. I rather not give out to much info about them, I do not know you dear person sitting across from me. You understand right? Anyways I think I have rambled on long enough, tell next time.