Saturday 5 May 2012

Ryabin`s beginings

 Disclaimer: The following is a fan fiction, based on the Magic the Gathering multiverse, and rules. It is done purely for fun, my take on planeswalking and planeswalker. No profit is sought after.

I look around the room and finally lay eyes on the man across from me; I am not in trouble, I just do not know where to go from here. I need to waste time while I think about it, so I smile, and begin talking to the strangers.

"My name is Ryabin Tonnika, and I am a planeswalker, demigod level. There was a time, many, many years ago when I was like you - naïve, knowing nothing about the outside multi-verse. That was until I first jumped, right into a game.

Well as much of a game as bashing each other with bigger, and bigger spells and creatures is. I was amazed at what was happening; I managed to stay out of the way, avoid everything. It wasn't till afterwards that the five gamers finally noticed me. They walked over to me, and introduced themselves, and explained I was on a different world. A world specifically created for them to beat the shit out of each other.

They then talked by themselves, my only guess is that they were deciding what to do with me. They seemed to decide that I would be good to add to the group - in fact they would add a number of people to the group. Each of them showed me something new: they showed me the different types of magic, how to summon them; they showed me how to put up a life force shield - when it failed, under normal situations I would die; they then showed me the types of land to draw power from.

It turns out I started those days as a black mage. Black Magic came naturally to me - I don't know if it was the fact that Black Magic could control the creatures, or the fact that Black Magic had awesomecreatures or what. But Black Magic just flowed out of my fingers, and I begin learning how to do it by doing. It was during this time that I learnt there were many different play styles, at least five at that time.

I fell in love with one method in particular. I knew I could play to win easily, but anyone could do that, and it wouldn`t even guarantee them the win. No, I wanted to have fun. The best way to have fun I and my mentor found was playing game-changing spells. Changing who wins is the best way to play. Playing with the original five and the new four was fun and interesting. Not a lot of people played blue, so I slowly started that way. It was a few years later when the original five quit planeswalking, and settled down on different planes to live normal lives, that I decided to make my own group of dueling planeswalker, I knew the way to the dueling plane and could teach them. I set about my task with another group with one of the new four.
more later . . .

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