Thursday 12 July 2012

Canada: A fake town

So I was originally going to personify Canada, but then I realized that Canada is a very diverse and divide place. One person wouldn’t work under normal circumstances, unless it was a person with personality disorder. I have decided instead to take a different approach. I have decided to make each country a house, or houses. I am think the best way to do this, is each province is a house, with the top five or so major cities per area a person. This might not work but I am going to try.

So back in the early days, Canada didn’t exist. They were just a few houses in the town of the United Kingdom of Great Britain. Five houses to be exact, I believe. Than one day the new town of the USA decided that it wanted to get payback on Great Britain for Great Britain was picking on them. So they attacked the house of Upper Canada. They wounded the head of the house Toronto. This caused the other members of the house, and their neighbours to group together. These six houses, with the help of the Town of UK, defended their houses. In 1814 UK and USA agreed to a peace treaty.

This caused the House of Upper Canada, and Lower Canada to make a connection between their houses. The two split leadership between Montreal, and Toronto. Slowly they talked with the remaining neighbours about how they could go off and form their own town. Two of these three neighbours agreed to join, though the UK gave them a member of the thirds household as a going away gift.

They moved off and formed the Town of Canada, with four households: Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick were the households. They decided to interconnect the households through underground passageways. This is where they set up the mayor of the Town, Ottawa; Underground between the house of Ontario and Quebec.

Now the House of Quebec being one of the two oldest household felt that its household members would lose their culture to the other households. So there first prevention method was to have the towns priest be elected from there house. They knew that the priest had a lot of power and this allowed them to push around their power.

So the town of Canada was across from the main town of the UK. There were parts of the town of the UK nearby. A few years after the Town of Canada came to being they convinced the UK to give up there fishing hut and give it to the Town of Canada. They also convinced the UK to give them a house a far distance outside the Town of the UK. The underground passageway took a while to be built between the current house and the new town.

One of the members of the house of Quebec tried to set up his own country, just outside of town. This failed. It caused a new house to be part of the town, as well as a house hero for Quebec. Sometime later two more houses were added to the town. This meant that Canada was finally pond to pond.

Than the world went through a very harsh period of time known nowadays as world war one, As well as another period of a very similar harsh ness thirty years after that.

The house hold of Quebec very vocally opposed getting involved in a war that didn’t affect the town of Canada at all. They failed, and Canada joined its mother in war. Canada figured out ways to do the impossible, we retook ridges and hills among other things that others thought where impossible to do. Our determination, and out of the box thinking separated us from the other towns. We were unique. We were a force to be recognized. We would do our individual part to win the war. We are the mighty Canadians.

Over the next few years we got more and more independent tell we were only part of mother due to birth. This means that we had our own government and our own citizenship. We decided what was best for us, and not some other country. We are not part of the USA; we are not part of the UK.  We are the mighty mighty Canadians. We are the greatest.

1 comment:

  1. gret idea, but a little long winded in the back history... making it into different people would allow the creativity to rein and the story to shine through...


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