Thursday 3 June 2021

PrizeFighterTV Ludus Chatter Two



Kalihar Stalcast Ustok – Thracian -------- Aula Valeria Messalinus – Roman

Salvius Septimus Pompolussa – Oscan -------- Pompo Faustina Proculinus – Umbrain

Metie Tiberius Catulus – Etruscan -------- Titia Aemilia Clemntillus – Etruscan

Aemila “I can finally put this whole fighting for a living thing behind me. Before I go I have a few things to say.”

Valeria - “Just shut up and leave. You retired, no one wants ya here.”

Aemilia - “First off, lose the anger. You are very good in the arena, and get tons of kill, so you have no reason to be upset.”

Kalihar - “Yeah, just relax. The only place to get anger is the arena, teammate.”

Aemilia - “You might be have the shiniest armour out there, but it doesn't matter when you cant get the kills. You need to be more angry, period.”

Kalihar - “I am just getting my stride, don't worry about me, cha.”

Aemilia - “Anyways, Tiberius, you used to be an upcoming scary. Than the same thing that happened to me, happened to you. You learned magic missile.”

Tiberius - “I may not be as scary as Fasutina over there, but I still have a better record in the Arena than you.”

Aemilia - “Faustina is scary, and probable the best gladiator this ludus will ever have, to bad she is half way to retirement now. “ - Tosses her equipment down in the corner with all the other loose gear and exits stage left.-

Tiberius finally breaking the awkward silence - “She did have one point, Valeria, you might not have the bow you won, which is wrongly named, but you actually are as scary as Faustina. Though with your whiny attitude no one takes you seriously in this Ludus.”

Kalihar - “Yeah I told you to chill out and calm down.”

Septimus - “Hey, why don't you come give me pointers on the bow? I rather not end up like Kalihar and have no teeth in my attacks.”

Aemilia - “Yeah, lets take out our new horses for a spin.”

The two of them exit stage left.

Tiberius - “Ah the young bonding over horses, its so sweet.”

Faustina sneaks in stage right, and creeps up behind Kalihar. Tapping him on his shoulder, and giving him a little friendly wave when he turns around.

Kalihar bolts out stage left with a look of panic on his face.

Tiberius - “What did you do that for?”

Faustina shrugs and hands Tiberius a paper. “Orders for both Arenas.”

Tiberius looks puzzled as he looks down and reads. After a few minutes of reading states “Oh, Chariot Racing is thing now.”

Looking up he notices he is all alone in the common room. “So I guess this means I have to buy the new equipment for two of our three Charioteers, because of course our ludus is trying out three different strategies. One of them being to send a chairoteer out with the most basic equipment. Of course that is what happened with Valeria, Septimus and Kalihar. Three different strategies there, and than Septimus strategy got rolled in with Valeria. Seems Archers are the way for the future.”

Looks down at the note one more time. “Oh, looks like it is redemption week for me and Kahilar. Guess I should go find him and tell him to be ready for the Arena.”

Septimus exists stage left.

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