Tuesday 22 June 2021

File: XX1905

 Disclaimer: This is a fan fiction, I do not own the characters involved. I am just reinturepeting these characters. I do not plan to make money on any of this

The Family loves, the Family Protects

Team name: The Vafelier Vanguard

Home base: Pettit-ville, Ouest France

Members: five full time members, One Part Time, One former

Species: Fey, Demonkin, Angelkin, and Mutated

Threat level: Country

Notes: If they ever started fully trusting each other they would be a full global threat


: Full Fey

: Mage :

Do not let her young appearance fool you, she is older than any human. Do not let her immature actions full you either, she is very well versed in her craft. For a prime example, her favourite way to great new people is to set off a harmless magical explosion in there face, for the soul reason that explosions make her happy. She is a mischief maker who can level a city block with her power.

Best to distract her with Trinkets if need be.

Lady Eleanor, Governess of Pettitville


Like all of her species she is a master of words, though she seems to be even better at it than most. Her words can do more than just move people, to the point where her words can physically hurt a being. There are even rumour that not only did she use her silver tongue to get her position of Governess, but also has killed numerous foes with her tongue.

The best way to deal with her is to find a way to silence her. The bonus of this methodology is the silence, if done well, can hamper both of the mages.

Note: It is known that Eleanor has at least three kids




The former member, presumed dead. If still alive he is even more of a use cannon than Aura, though his spells seem more focused than Aura's explosive magic. The total extant of damage that Lark would be able to do, or the mental state of Lark is an unknown.




This being is not an ordinary being, the full extant of what he is eludes us for now. What we do know that he has much more power than his body can fully contain. There are plenty of times when this power boils out of his body and affects the world in weird interesting ways.

We do not know the true extent of his power, or if he is a plan mortal, but from our research it shows that he is a extraplaner being who has put a some type of spell on themselves to surpress all there power. We do not know the full extent of his power, approach with caution




Also Known as: Edward, Mz Francine, Jester, Lord Kendrick the Third, Odysseus Ord,

His shapeshifting allows him to take on the appearances of other people. With the fact that it requires him to shed the skin like a snake, but at a much quicker speed, causes Nux to have a very high appetite after eating. There are rumors that he alone keeps several restaurants open in Pettitville.

He has several black black belts and even though he knows how to do all sorts of martial arts, he prefers to kick people at high speeds. See both the tactics for dealing with speedsters and shapeshfiters in the reference guide.

Note: Seems to be married to one of the restaurant owners in home-base, under the Edward skin



A talking spider the size of a tank who likes the taste of pastries. Otherwise no different than any house spider.



She avoids the powers of her race and instead decided to find a way to be powerful on her own. She is a master of all weapons to the point she can pick up anything and beat some one else who has trained there whole life in melee combat. To reiterate avoid melee combat with Velphire.

Wears a scavenged powered exoskeleton which means she is the teams air support.

Also seems to be second in command behind Eleanor

For further reading on exact powers and abilities see the individual files on each member of the Vafelier Vanguard.

The Family Loves, The Family Protects

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