Saturday 3 September 2016


Thranquil Whiteclaw
I.Q. 11 M.E. 8 M.A. 7 P.S. 7 (Supernatural Strength)
P.P. 10 P.E. 16 P.B. 4 Spd 13

see the invisible

Hit Points: 34  

S.D.C.: 46

Race: Palladium Ratling Height: 4 foot tall Weight: 60 pounds
Natural Armor Rating: None Horror Factor: 11, P.P.E.:  55
PPE: 45
ISP: 415

Sixth Sense

+5 to strike
+3 to strike with blunt
+2 to parry with blunt
+1 to throw blunt
+2 to strike with handgun
+3 to strike with sword
+2 to parry with sword
+1 to thrown sword
+ 2 to perception rolls, +2 to save vs fatigue and disease +2 to pull punch, + 2 to roll with punch fall or impact
+2 to parry and dodge +1  disarm +4% save vs coma/death +1 save vs magic and death

Natural Abilities: Keen color vision, nightvision 40 ft (12.2 m; can see in total darkness), excellent nightvision (can see in one tenth the light that humans need), poor day vision 90 ft (27.4 m), sensitive whiskers help them maneuver in the dark or when blind (usual penalties are half), keen hearing,
Class Abilities:
Jury-Rig Repairs:
They take half the time and last twice as long
Find Parts and Components: +20% to find contraband related to Vehicular M.D. Weapons, M.D.C. materials, power supplies, communications systems, Electronics, Generators, Fuel, Mechanical parts and Components. This is in addtion to Normal Find Contraband skill whenever such items are involved. Gets these items at a discount – 30% off as a professional courtesy from most other operators and the black market. 50% discount from junkyards and salvage companies, and a 65% discount if he trades at least 12 hours of his work at a Garage, Machine shop, or Factory for free. Every 12 hours he can get up to 100,000 credits worth of parts or materials
Recognize Machine Quality: 73% + 3%
Repairs and Soup-Up Machines and Vehicles
Repairs for cheap: Can completely repair repair most parts, machines and vehicles at a cost of 25% of its original list price (plus his time if he's charging for it; typically another 30% to 50%). Requires the right parts and the time to make the Repair
Reduce M.D.C. On the main body and key sections at a cost of 1200 credits per every one M.D.C. Point restored. Cannot exceed the original M.D.C amount.
Add M.D.C. To brand new vehicles and body armour. The precentage increase depends on the Operators level of skill and experience; +5 % at levels 2, 4, 6, 10, 12 and 14.
Maximize Performance: Can tweak a vehicle or most any machine to perform better. Can Increase speed 20%, range (of weaposn, radio signals, sesnsors, etc. ) + 10%, reduce weight by 10%, and add one extra weapon or feature per body area of a vehicle or standing fortification (Front/nose, Mid-section, rear section, top/roof, bottom/undercarriage, and wing)

Sixth Sense
Range: 90 feet (27.4 m).
Duration: Until the danger passes or happens. Bonuses apply only to
the first melee round of the attack from the source of the sensed
I.S.P.: 2
Saving Throw: None.
The Sixth Sense is a power that gives the psychic a precognitive
flash of imminent danger to himself or somebody near him (within 90
feet/27.4 m). The character will not know what the danger is or where it will come from, nor who it will be directed at when in a group. All he knows is that something life threatening will happen within the next 60
seconds (4 melees)!
The sixth sense is only triggered by an unexpected, life threatening event (a trap or ambush is within 90 feet/27.4 m or a flash flood is rushing his way) which is already set into motion and will happen any second.
The power can not be called upon at will to sense for traps or ambush. Instead, it works like an automatic reflex. If the character has used all his I.S.P. the Sixth Sense is temporarily rendered inoperative.
Bonuses: The sudden flash of insight provides the following bonuses.
All bonuses apply only to the first, initial melee (15 seconds) when the attack/danger occurs. Bonuses are lost in subsequent melee rounds after the danger is revealed. +6 on initiative roll, +2 to parry, +3 to dodge and the character can not be surprised by a sneak attack from behind.

Penalties: -10%, find contraband, intelligence, performance, public speaking seduction, and sing
-20% on interrogation
Bonuses: +5% on gambling, prowl, undercover ops, and surveillance

Skills of Note:

Western English 98%,
Gobblely/Goblin 98%
Dwarven 98%.
climb 70%
swim 70%
imitate voices 60%
Language: Euro 87% +3%
Basic Math 90% +5%
Computer Operation 95% +5%
Electrical Engineer 80% +5%
Electricity Generation 60% + 5%
Dance 55% +5%
Sewing 65% +5%
Find Contraband 60% +4%
First Aid 55% +5%
Jury Rig 70% +5%
Naval History 55% +5%
Naval Tactics 55% +5%
Mechanical Engineer 70% +5%
Optic Systems 70% +5%
Surveillance 70% +5%
Pilot: Airplane 85% +4%
Pilot: Boat Ships 85%/70% +5%
Pilot: Jet Pack 67% +4%
Radio: Basic 85% +5%
Navigation 65% +5%
Sensory Equipment 75% +5%
Weapon Systems 65% +5%
Weapons Engineer 65% +5%
Automotive Mechanics 60% +5%
Locksmith 60% +5%
Robot Mechanics 55% +5%
Computer hacking 60% +5%
Computer Programing 65% +5%
Road-wise 61% +4%
Prowl 25% +5%
W.P. Blunt
W.P. Sword
W.P. Energy Pistol
Hand to Hand: Basic
1d8 restrained sdc - 4d8 sdc full punch - 1d6 md on power punch 
Wrench – 2d8S.D.C
Hammer – 2d8 SDC
Equipment: A weapon for each W.P.
Vibro-Saber (short sword). Mega-Damage: 2D6 M.D.
NG-33 Laser Pistol
Weight: 4 lbs (1.8 kg).
Range: 800 feet (244 m).
Mega-Damage: 1D8 M.D. per blast for the original Block I weapon.
2D6 M.D. for the NG-33 Block II; same price.
Rate of Fire: Each shot counts as one melee attack.
Payload: 20 shots.
Bokken: Damage: 2D6 S.D.C.
hand gun 
6 in chamber
box of ammo 29
1d 10 mdc

NG A8 Scout Armor
Weight: 12 lbs (5.4 kg).
Mobility: Excellent mobility; -5% to Climb, Prowl, Swim, perform Acrobatics and similar physical skills/performance.
Light or medium M.D.C armour with +10%
M.D.C. by Location: with extra armour
Head/Helmet – 47 Arms – 33 each Legs – 53 each Main Body – 66
Note: This is not full environmental armor and does not have a
cooling system or independent oxygen supply.
Portable tool kit with an electric screwdriver and additional interchangeable heads, wrenches, etc, large tool kit, soldering iron, laser torch, a roll of duct tape, two rolls of electrical tap, pen flashlight, large flashlight, 200 feet of super lightweight rope, a couple knives, notebook, portable disc recorder, portable language translator, protective goggles, work gloves, backpack, satchel, large sack, canteen, set of work clothes, overalls, utility belt, air filter,
2 pens 2 pairs of thin doctor's gloves, 12 flares
Credits: 3,200 Black Market sell-able goods: 9,000
Wiki's Jet Pack
Crew: One Rider
Maximum speed: 120 mph (192 km/hr)
Maximum range: 800 miles (1280 km)
Size: 3 feet (0.9 m), 45 Lbs (20 kg)
MDC by location: main body: 30
Black market cost: 50,000 credits for electric
Weapons: None

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