Sunday 6 November 2016

Mech Warrior 2

Damien Riggs

Agility        1
Appearance    0
Build        0
Creativity    0
Fitness        1
Influence    0
Knowledge    1
Perception    2
Psyche        1
Willpower    0

Secondary Attributes
Strength        0
Health            1
Stamina        30
Unarmed Damage    3
Armed Damage        4

Flesh wound Threshold=  15
Deep Wound Threshold = 30
Instant Death Threshold = 60
System Shock = 6

• Animal Handling
• Archery
• Athletics        Rank 1 Complexity 1
• Business   
• Combat Sense    Rank 1 Complexity 3   
• Craft (Specific)
• Defense        Rank 1 Complexity 1
• Demolition/Traps
• Disguise
• Etiquette (Clans)    Rank 1 Complexity 1
• Forgery (Specific)
• Gambling
• Gunnery (Lasers)    Rank 2 Complexity 1
• Hand-to-hand
• Heavy Weapons
• Information Warfare
• Interrogation    Rank 1 Complexity 2
• Investigation
• Language (Specific)
• Leadership
• Medicine
• Melee        Rank 1 Complexity 1
• Natural Sciences
• Navigation (Specific)
• Negotiation
• Notice        Rank 1 Complexity 2
• Personal Flight Device
• Performance Art
• Pilot (Mech)    Rank 2 Complexity 1
• Riding
• Seduction
• Sleight-of-Hand
• Small Arms    Rank 1 Complexity 1
• Social Sciences (Specific)
• Stealth        Rank 1 Complexity 1
• Streetwise
• Survival        Rank 1 Complexity 1
• Teaching
• Technical Sciences
• Tinker
• Throwing
• Trivia/Lore (Specific)
• Visual Art (Specific)
• Zero-G        skill rank 3 Complexity 3

Acute Senses (sight)
The character has sharp eyes and tends to notice faraway or small items more readily than other people. He gets a +1 modifier for Notice checks based on vision. The downside is that sudden bright lights (stepping out of a dim area into sunlight) can momentarily blind a character.
The character can use either hand for tasks requiring manual dexterity without the “Using Off Hand” penalty, though he may not attack twice per action. Ambidextrous has no downside.
The character is exceptionally vulnerable to radiation poisoning. When making Health checks for status, he gets a -1 modifier to his dice roll.

Friday 30 September 2016

Nindrol Greralei

Dhampir - Dulhan
Name: Nindrol Greralei 
Eyes – Blue Green
Hair - Blond
Your skin feels a little less sensitive than before.
 Your hair gets lighter, becoming blond. Your feet
 suddenly become very uncomfortable in your boots.
has pawed feat
HP : 50
Con x 5 
MP : 45
Will x 5 
Combat speed - 10
Travel Speed - 2
STR 10 (13)
CON 10 
DEX 10 (11)
Charm Immunity

Armour Coat
Arm: 2
Dex: 0
 Heavy Armor
ARM: 4
DEX -2
Nin's Emblem Shield
ARM: 6
DMG: 2d4
DEX: -2

Egyptian Staff
DMG: 1d6+2
ATK: +2
RNG: Touch
Special: Mindless Undead hit by this staff are stunned for 1d4 rounds      

Oak Buckler
ARM: 1
DMG: 1d2
RNG: Touch
Iron Sword
DMG: 1d6
RNG: Touch 
Steel War Axe
DMG: 2d6
RNG: Touch 
260 gold 
Full set of clothes
Flint and Steel
Torches (3)

Bracelet made of bronze chain with a clay tablet with
 some odd runes on it.
A flask made of a silvery-black metal with a stylized heart etched into the side. Unstoppering it causes wisps
 of darkness to drift out.
small metal bottle. It is stamped with the image of a feather.      
 mysterious bottle
It is clear glass and seems to be filled with a strange jello-like fluid. 
 5 ingots of a dark grey metal.       

given to Myr
Football sized chunk of starmetal
seven ingots of a dark grey metal 

STR-2 is added to damage.
 Dhampir Heroes-
Maximum DEX and WIL is 12
Maximum STR is 9
Combat Speed is SPD x5
Travel Speed is SPD
If you rest in the wilderness, 1 HP per CON. If you prepare 
a sleeping area in a defensible spot, 2 HP per CON. If you sleep 
in a home or inn, Full HP. 

  + 4 STR
-1 INT
-1 Will
 +2 CON
Mystery Bottle 
+1 ARM
+2 STR
+2 CON
-1 DEX
+1 spd
Few inches taller 
Clear Potion
+2 INT
+2 WIS
+1 SPD
+1 ARM
 Your hair turns purple. 
Glowly Potion
 The glass bottle is patterned with feathers, and 
the white liquid inside is faintly luminous.
+2 WIS, +1 SPD, your hair becomes blond.
Old Pauldron
+ 1 arm
Rosy Pink Metal Heart Pendant
 +1 DEX
+2 WIL
-1 STR
 You feel a little lighter, though you also grow an inch or two taller
Golden Wing Necklace
STR: +4
DEX: +2
CON: +2
SPD: +4

Gain golden pupils
Gain two-toned hair 

Egyptian Staff
+4 INT,
 +2 WIL,
 your skin becomes a little darker.

shortsword, clearly very well made. The grip is red leather and brass, 
with a blue gem set into the pommel. The sheath is also red. 

battle tech

age: 19.5

Credits: 71 xp
Salary: 10,800

Strength + 3 (-1)
Body + 3 (-1)
Reflex + 4 (requires 3) (0)
Dex + 2 (-1)
Intelligence + 5 (requires 4) (0)
Will + 2 (-1)
Charisma + 1 (-2)
Edge + 2 (-1)

Stage 1 – Major Periphery – Outworlds Alliance
Stage 1 – Farm
Stage 2 – Mercenary Brat
Stage 3 – Military Enlistment – Navy – Marine - Ships crew

walk 7
run 17
Evade 17 
Sprint 34*
climb 3
crawl 2
stun 1
uncounous 1
damage body x 2 (6)
fatigue (will x 2) 4
ABLATIVE ARMOR SUIT —2/4/5/2 — 800/15 — 9.8 KG --- TORSO, ARMS,LEGS

COMBAT BOOTS  2/3/3/1               48/10 — 2 KG FEET
 AUTO-PISTOL   3B/4          5/20/45/105          10           50/2 — 500 G/140 G
 Three clips

 13.72 kg
  encumbered15 kg
very encumbered 30 kg
over loaded 50 kg
martial arts basic, running

Animal Handling                rank 0             WIL         7 / SB
Acrobatics/Free fall                     Rank 1              RFL          7 / SB
Career/Agriculture             Rank 1            INT          7 / SB
Career/Soldier                     Rank 2            INT          7 / SB
Career/ Ships Crew                     Rank   2            INT          7 / SB
Computers                                Rank 1               INT           8 / CB*
Demolitions                              Rank 1              DEX + INT 9 / CA
Driving/Ground Vehicle    Rank 4             RFL + DEX 8 / SA
Gunnery/Space Craft                   Rank 2              RFL + DEX    8 / SA
gunnery/mech                    Rank 6             RFL + DEX 8 / SA
Painting                         Rank 1                   INT             8 / CB*
Music                               Rank 0                 INT             8 / CB*
English                   Rank 2              INT + CHA 8 / SA
Japenesse              Rank 0              INT + CHA 8 / SA
French                  Rank 0              INT + CHA 8 / SA
Martial Arts                        Rank 3              RFL                7 / SB*
Medtech                             Rank 1               INT               7 / SB
Navigation/space             Rank 1                  INT          7 / SB
Negotiation                       Rank 1               CHA             8 / CB
Perception                          Rank 8               INT             7 / SB
pilot/mech                         Rank 6               RFL + DEX 8 / SA
Security Systems 
/ Electronic                     Rank 1                    DEX + INT 9 / CA
Sensor Operations                 Rank 2                     INT + WIL     8 / SA
Small Arms                        Rank 4                     DEX              7 / SB
Streetwise/Outworlds           Rank 1                      CHA               8 / CB
Survival/ Forest                   Rank 0                    BOD + INT      9 / CA
Swimming                        Rank 0                      STR                 7 / SB
Tactics/ land                Rank 0                    INT + WIL 9 / CA
/Electriction              Rank 1                      DEX + INT 9 / CA
/Mechanic                 Rank 1                      DEX + INT 9 / CA
Zero G Operations           Rank 4                          RFL             7 / SB

In for Life 
Thick Skinned

Connections +40
Tech Empathy +20
Toughness + 50 xp
Rank +100
Thick Skinned
In For Life -100
G-Tolerance + 135

Strength + 375 (-1)
Body + 375 (-1)
Reflex + 400 (requires 3) (0)
Dex + 225 (-1)
Intelligence + 500 (requires 4) (0)
Will + 235 (-1)
Charisma + 100 (-2)
Edge + 235 (-1)

Animal Handling + 20 xp
Acrobatics/Free fall + 30
Career/Agriculture + 20
Career/Soldier +50 
Career/ Ships Crew +60
Computers + 30
Demolitions + 30
Driving/Ground Vehicle + 140
Gunnery/Space Craft + 60
gunnery/mech +250
[Secondary Languages] French, Japanese;
Primary English +70
Secondary Japeneses +20
Language French + 20
Interest/any + 35
Interest/any + 25
Martial Arts +80
Medtech + 40 XP
Navigation/space +30
Negotiation + 55
Perception + 385
pilot/mech + 250
Security Systems / Any + 30
Sensor Operations +50
Small Arms + 145 xp
Streetwise/Outworlds + 40xp
Survival/any +20 xp
Swimming +20
Tactics/any + 20
Technician/Any + 30
Technician/Any + 30
Zero G Operations + 151

Connections +40
Tech Empathy +20
Toughness + 50 xp
Rank +100
G-Tolerance + 135

XP: 5,000
minus – 850
Minus – 100
minus – 275
minus – 600
minus – 720
minus – 180
Plus - 36
Plus - 30
minus - 455
Plus - 30
minus – 585
Minus 300
minus 150
minus 700
minus 61
minus 120

Saturday 3 September 2016


Thranquil Whiteclaw
I.Q. 11 M.E. 8 M.A. 7 P.S. 7 (Supernatural Strength)
P.P. 10 P.E. 16 P.B. 4 Spd 13

see the invisible

Hit Points: 34  

S.D.C.: 46

Race: Palladium Ratling Height: 4 foot tall Weight: 60 pounds
Natural Armor Rating: None Horror Factor: 11, P.P.E.:  55
PPE: 45
ISP: 415

Sixth Sense

+5 to strike
+3 to strike with blunt
+2 to parry with blunt
+1 to throw blunt
+2 to strike with handgun
+3 to strike with sword
+2 to parry with sword
+1 to thrown sword
+ 2 to perception rolls, +2 to save vs fatigue and disease +2 to pull punch, + 2 to roll with punch fall or impact
+2 to parry and dodge +1  disarm +4% save vs coma/death +1 save vs magic and death

Natural Abilities: Keen color vision, nightvision 40 ft (12.2 m; can see in total darkness), excellent nightvision (can see in one tenth the light that humans need), poor day vision 90 ft (27.4 m), sensitive whiskers help them maneuver in the dark or when blind (usual penalties are half), keen hearing,
Class Abilities:
Jury-Rig Repairs:
They take half the time and last twice as long
Find Parts and Components: +20% to find contraband related to Vehicular M.D. Weapons, M.D.C. materials, power supplies, communications systems, Electronics, Generators, Fuel, Mechanical parts and Components. This is in addtion to Normal Find Contraband skill whenever such items are involved. Gets these items at a discount – 30% off as a professional courtesy from most other operators and the black market. 50% discount from junkyards and salvage companies, and a 65% discount if he trades at least 12 hours of his work at a Garage, Machine shop, or Factory for free. Every 12 hours he can get up to 100,000 credits worth of parts or materials
Recognize Machine Quality: 73% + 3%
Repairs and Soup-Up Machines and Vehicles
Repairs for cheap: Can completely repair repair most parts, machines and vehicles at a cost of 25% of its original list price (plus his time if he's charging for it; typically another 30% to 50%). Requires the right parts and the time to make the Repair
Reduce M.D.C. On the main body and key sections at a cost of 1200 credits per every one M.D.C. Point restored. Cannot exceed the original M.D.C amount.
Add M.D.C. To brand new vehicles and body armour. The precentage increase depends on the Operators level of skill and experience; +5 % at levels 2, 4, 6, 10, 12 and 14.
Maximize Performance: Can tweak a vehicle or most any machine to perform better. Can Increase speed 20%, range (of weaposn, radio signals, sesnsors, etc. ) + 10%, reduce weight by 10%, and add one extra weapon or feature per body area of a vehicle or standing fortification (Front/nose, Mid-section, rear section, top/roof, bottom/undercarriage, and wing)

Sixth Sense
Range: 90 feet (27.4 m).
Duration: Until the danger passes or happens. Bonuses apply only to
the first melee round of the attack from the source of the sensed
I.S.P.: 2
Saving Throw: None.
The Sixth Sense is a power that gives the psychic a precognitive
flash of imminent danger to himself or somebody near him (within 90
feet/27.4 m). The character will not know what the danger is or where it will come from, nor who it will be directed at when in a group. All he knows is that something life threatening will happen within the next 60
seconds (4 melees)!
The sixth sense is only triggered by an unexpected, life threatening event (a trap or ambush is within 90 feet/27.4 m or a flash flood is rushing his way) which is already set into motion and will happen any second.
The power can not be called upon at will to sense for traps or ambush. Instead, it works like an automatic reflex. If the character has used all his I.S.P. the Sixth Sense is temporarily rendered inoperative.
Bonuses: The sudden flash of insight provides the following bonuses.
All bonuses apply only to the first, initial melee (15 seconds) when the attack/danger occurs. Bonuses are lost in subsequent melee rounds after the danger is revealed. +6 on initiative roll, +2 to parry, +3 to dodge and the character can not be surprised by a sneak attack from behind.

Penalties: -10%, find contraband, intelligence, performance, public speaking seduction, and sing
-20% on interrogation
Bonuses: +5% on gambling, prowl, undercover ops, and surveillance

Skills of Note:

Western English 98%,
Gobblely/Goblin 98%
Dwarven 98%.
climb 70%
swim 70%
imitate voices 60%
Language: Euro 87% +3%
Basic Math 90% +5%
Computer Operation 95% +5%
Electrical Engineer 80% +5%
Electricity Generation 60% + 5%
Dance 55% +5%
Sewing 65% +5%
Find Contraband 60% +4%
First Aid 55% +5%
Jury Rig 70% +5%
Naval History 55% +5%
Naval Tactics 55% +5%
Mechanical Engineer 70% +5%
Optic Systems 70% +5%
Surveillance 70% +5%
Pilot: Airplane 85% +4%
Pilot: Boat Ships 85%/70% +5%
Pilot: Jet Pack 67% +4%
Radio: Basic 85% +5%
Navigation 65% +5%
Sensory Equipment 75% +5%
Weapon Systems 65% +5%
Weapons Engineer 65% +5%
Automotive Mechanics 60% +5%
Locksmith 60% +5%
Robot Mechanics 55% +5%
Computer hacking 60% +5%
Computer Programing 65% +5%
Road-wise 61% +4%
Prowl 25% +5%
W.P. Blunt
W.P. Sword
W.P. Energy Pistol
Hand to Hand: Basic
1d8 restrained sdc - 4d8 sdc full punch - 1d6 md on power punch 
Wrench – 2d8S.D.C
Hammer – 2d8 SDC
Equipment: A weapon for each W.P.
Vibro-Saber (short sword). Mega-Damage: 2D6 M.D.
NG-33 Laser Pistol
Weight: 4 lbs (1.8 kg).
Range: 800 feet (244 m).
Mega-Damage: 1D8 M.D. per blast for the original Block I weapon.
2D6 M.D. for the NG-33 Block II; same price.
Rate of Fire: Each shot counts as one melee attack.
Payload: 20 shots.
Bokken: Damage: 2D6 S.D.C.
hand gun 
6 in chamber
box of ammo 29
1d 10 mdc

NG A8 Scout Armor
Weight: 12 lbs (5.4 kg).
Mobility: Excellent mobility; -5% to Climb, Prowl, Swim, perform Acrobatics and similar physical skills/performance.
Light or medium M.D.C armour with +10%
M.D.C. by Location: with extra armour
Head/Helmet – 47 Arms – 33 each Legs – 53 each Main Body – 66
Note: This is not full environmental armor and does not have a
cooling system or independent oxygen supply.
Portable tool kit with an electric screwdriver and additional interchangeable heads, wrenches, etc, large tool kit, soldering iron, laser torch, a roll of duct tape, two rolls of electrical tap, pen flashlight, large flashlight, 200 feet of super lightweight rope, a couple knives, notebook, portable disc recorder, portable language translator, protective goggles, work gloves, backpack, satchel, large sack, canteen, set of work clothes, overalls, utility belt, air filter,
2 pens 2 pairs of thin doctor's gloves, 12 flares
Credits: 3,200 Black Market sell-able goods: 9,000
Wiki's Jet Pack
Crew: One Rider
Maximum speed: 120 mph (192 km/hr)
Maximum range: 800 miles (1280 km)
Size: 3 feet (0.9 m), 45 Lbs (20 kg)
MDC by location: main body: 30
Black market cost: 50,000 credits for electric
Weapons: None

Monday 16 May 2016


Pryo Man

stat bonus

Strength 30 10

Dexterty 30 10

Constition 26 8

Intelegence 16 3

Wisdom 10 0

Charisma 10 0

Class: Acrobat Level: 1
HP: D8+8

Base Attribute bonus Total
Attack Bonus 0
5 5
Armour Class 10
6 16
Reflex: 2 8
Will 0 0
Fort 0 8

cost ranks
Armour 3 5
25 points of reduction
attack combat Mastery 3 5
+5 BAB
Damage Absorption (fire/heat) 10 5
Absorbs and adds up to 25 damage to HP
Defense Combat Mastery 2 6
+6 to base AC
Enhanced Dexterity 2 1
+4 to Dexterty
Extra Defenses 3 5
Gives 5 defenses at full AC
Jumping 1 5
Jump some distance
Special Attack – flame thrower gun arm 4 8
Burning, Pentrating x 2, Damage 5d10+12

Spreading, Short Range
Special Movement 1 1

Skills: Ranks Attribute Total
10 10
10 10
10 10
10 10
Stealth 7 10 17
10 10
Ranged Defense 4
Unarmed Attack 4
Unarmed Defense 4

Sunday 1 May 2016


Name: Fist Race: Warforged
Strength: 12 +1
Dexterity: 18 +4
Constitution: 18 +4
Intelegent: 11 +1
Wisdom: 20 +5
Charisma: 10 +0

HP: 60

hit dice : 1d8
Unarmed AC: 19
Armed AC: 23

XP: level 6

Proficiency Bonus: +3
Ki Points: 6
Fate Points optimal max: 5
Fate points current max: 4
Saving Throws: Strength, Dexterity
Weapons: Simple weapons, short swords

Extra attack

Skill Proficiency: Athletics, History, Intimidation, Religion
Tool Proficiency: Cards, Vehichle (Land) [Triclye], Flute
Equipment: Copper Anvil (Private Insginia), Broken Blade, Set of Cards, Set of common clothes, and a belt pouch containing 10 GP.
Prayer book of the mountain father - the king of all mountains
Gold plated small sized rapier
Explorers Pack
10 Darts
normal katana x 2
Katana of the dragons of light and shadow
+3 to AC
+3 to Damage
+ 3 to hit
+d6 radiant
+d6 necordic
A dead scarb beetle the size of my hand
250 GP worth of rubies
49 gold
95 silver
6 wands of healings

Height: 6'6”
Weight: 300 lbs
Size: Medium
Speed: 45 feet
Vision: Normal
Languages: Common, Dwarvish
Personality Trait: Crude sense of Humor, and I can stare down a hell hound without flinching.

Living Construct: You are a living construct, and do not eat, drink, breath. You do not need to sleep, and instead enter a state of inactivy for six hours to gain the benefits of a long rest. While in this state you are aware of approaching enemies and other events taking place. You are also considered a construct for the purposes of effects that deal with Creature Type.
Components: You may embed weapons and armour which you proficient directly into your body. Embedded weapons may be drawn or stowed as a bonus action and all attempts to disarm you have disadvantage. You never need to take off embedded armour for any reason and suffer no penalty for resting while wearing armour. Additionally, embedded weapons and armour count as thought they weigh half as much as normal.
Warforged Resilience: Once per day when you make a death saving throw you may reroll the saving throw and use that result Additionally you are immune to the effects of extreme heat and cold
Ki Projection
You can spend 1 point to gain advantage on your next
deception intimidation or Persuasion check
S l o w Fa l l
Beginning at 4th level, you can use your reaction when
you fall to reduce any falling damage you take by an
amount equal to five times your monk level.
K i - E m p o w e r e d  S t r i k e s
Starting at 6th level, your unarmed strikes count as
magical for the purpose o f overcoming resistance and
immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage.

Ideal: Greater Good: our lot is to lay down our lives in the defense of others.
Bond: Those who fight beside me are worth dying for.
Flaw: My hatred of enemies is blind and unreasoning.

D u a l W i e l d e r
You master fighting with two weapons, gaining the
following benefits:
• You gain a +1 bonus to AC while you are wielding a
separate melee weapon in each hand.
• You can use two-weapon fighting even when the onehanded
melee weapons you are wielding aren’t light.
• You can draw or stow two one-handed weapons when
you would normally b e able to draw or stow only one.

Martial Arts: d4
Ki Points: 3
Unarmoured Movement: +10 feet

Unarmoured Defence, Martial Arts

2nd lvl
Ki, and Unarmoured movement

Monastic Tradition and Deflect Missle.

slow fall

extra attack, stunning fist

Ki points 5
Flurry of blows
Patient Defence
Step of the Wind

Way of the Kensai
Keen Blade +2

Unarmed damage: 1d6
Katana - 1d10+6

Saturday 9 April 2016


Attribute Before Mutation Bonus After Mutation Bonus Human Max Bonus
Strength 14 2 26 8 24 7
Dexterity 20 5 40 15 24 7
Constitution 16 3 16 3
Intelligence 14 2 14 2
Wisdom 16 3 16 3
Charisma 20 5 20 5

Hit Points 21

Attack Bonus 2

Saves Adventure Bonus Before Attribute Bonus Total After Mutation Total Human Max Total
Reflex 1 5 6 15 16 7 8
Will 1 3 4 3 4 3 4
Fortitude 1 3 4 3 4 3 4

Skills Ability Specialty Skill Points Human Skill Bonus Mutant Skill Bonus Human Max Bonus
Acrobatics Dex Jumps 6 11 21 13
Burglary Dex
2 7 17 9
Climbing Str Walls 5 7 13 12
Controlled Breathing Con Holding Breath 2 5 10 5
Domestic Arts Wis Cooking 1 4 4 4
Intimidate Cha
3 8 6 8
Languages Int
4 6 6 9
Occult Int
2 4 4 4
Power Usage

2 2 2 2
Seduction Cha
2 7 7 7
Sleight of Hand Dex Pick Pocketing 2 7 17 9
Stealth Dex
11 16 26 18

Level 4

Max Human skill points

Strength 14

Dexterity 14

Constitution 14

Intelligence 14

Wisdom 14

Charisma 14

    Native: French
    Bonus: English, Morse-Code, Bralil, Hebrew, Sign language, Genousian, Wakandan, Shi'arian

Points Spent:
Power Limitations and Withdraws:
Massive Damage tied to speed
Power Bonuses:





Enhanced Dex



Enhanced Strength



Force Field


Shield of 30 points that can be pulled up and down

Heightened Senses



Sees the Entire Electromagnetic spectrum (Gamma radiation, Ultraviolet Radiation, infrared Radiation, Terahertz Radition, Microwave Radiation, and Radio Waves)




Jumps 100 yards / 91.44 meters

Special Movement



Untrackable, Wall Bounce, Wall Climbing




10,000 mph / 16093.44kph  




Appearance x 3

Massive Damage



5d3+10 – tied to speed

Unknown Super Hero Power



72 points remain

Goblins Tribal

 Pauper Goblins Deck Video Deck List Creatures: 28 4 x Raging Goblin 4 x Crazed Goblin 4 x Goblin Arsonist 4 x Akki Blizzard-Herder 3 x Sti...