Thursday 16 February 2023

Zaria Homework Three

Our attention is drawn to a scene around a lake around two year ago this time, a nineteen old Victoria looks forlorn

“So Father I know you need my help with the beast of burdens for one more season. I know that we just got an extra three wagons for this next season. These dreams, they keep telling me I have a destiny to full fill. You have done a great job raising me. I know. I know.

But You don't understand. Anael needs my help. Yes I don't know what exactly she has in mind for me, but I know that in my visions I am her champion. In this dream, we see ourselves standing at a cliff, over looking a valley with four paths. They continue out of the valley and beyond our sight. The staff feels warm in our hands, and I can feel it pull us towards something. I know not where it is guiding us, but I feel Her urgency through the staff. I cannot look at the it though, for her Grace is overwhelming and threatens to consume us. I feel as if we must obey, lest we be destroyed by this power. I know. But I have to follow my destiny. You understand, right Father?”

Taking a deep breath she casts her eyes across the lake. Taking several more deep breaths she closes her eyes. And mutters under her breath. “Okay now the actual hard part. To Tell father all this and that I am leaving.”

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