Friday 24 December 2021



Dear Brother:

I know you won't read this letter due to many factors. The main factor for why you won't read this letter is the fact that you are dead, and the dead can't read. I know your dead because I am the one who killed you, and I than burnt your remains and ground the bones, to make sure there was no easy way for you to return as an undead onto this world. You had already killed mother and father to power up your magics, and me and Isabela, your sister where next. You like most mages had gone power hungry and found a ritual to drastically increase your power.

You didn't expect me to realize what was happening, or know where the family sword was kept, or even how to use it. You had not kept up with the family when you went off to your school, I had the intelegence to go as well, but the family only sent you because you where the first born male. We were not well off enough for me to also attend.

I instead stayed home and worked the farm, and on my free time took some fighting leasons from the Blacksmith. You remember the blacksmith? The retired adventure who set up shop here to avoid the craziness of the world? Good Old Thrak. I wasn't as good at the sword as he was, but I was better than you were expecting me to be. That is how I got the drop on you.

Another factor for why you won't be reading this letter is it will be burnt to ash as soon as I finish writing it. Its hard for some one to read something that no longer exists. Your research though I kept around with me, well not the orginal. That is safely buried under your empty coffin.

Making sure Isabela was safe was the task that needed to be done, some where they can help her with her grief of most of her family dying. Some where that after her grief is done she can do good for the world. The monestary of the Red Lady. One of several monestary's of The Goddess Nik'ta who's followers do there best to heal: Soul, Body, Mind, and Spirit. In all ways, not just via the divine magic of there holy men.

Last I checked she was doing very well as a healer, I am actually very proud of her. I do not visit her quiet often incase some of my enemies come after her. I wish I could have her life but you took that away from me. You took away all my choices.

Now while I didn't understand what you wrote down, for I don't understand spellcraft. I do understand some what how magic works, but I do not need to understand to be able to copy it down. You can copy any language down without understanding it. Killing mages is what I specialize in, No one expects the guy in fancy clothes with a sword on his belt to be able to sneak into your room and Assasianate you.

No one expects the guy in fancy clothes who enjoys writing to actually be copying down mage's spell books. No one expects the Sword for hire to be good with locks. No one expects me to kill mages. No one expects the average looking guy to be anything but average.

The funny thing is if it wheren't for you I would still be at home working the field. Those that do know my skills, Know that I am deadly at killing mages, even though I am not a pre one race, but a mix of two. I was the bastard of the family.

Oh you are probable wondering what I do with the books, Well, I bury the orginal copy in a safe location that I should recall if need be, make a copy for my own records, and send a copy to my friends. The people who I went to learn how to be a better at killing, and the people who I tend to give me specific mages to kill.

I will be a legend in my field. I will be the thing that all mages fear, from the utterly weak to the extremely powerful. I will be the Mage Killer.

str – 11

int – 16

wis – 12

dex – 14

con – 11

cha - 9

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