Friday, 19 August 2022

Walkverse Interlude One

 The four televisions where showing the same story but from different angles. As the different networks had different camera on the scene at the same. I had it on repeat and this was my tenth time watching the whole thing from the start to the finish, and the laughter finally finished.

I turned the Televisions off, and began to pass across my persian rug. "He has such class, it would be a shame for some one with that much style to be locked away. Though he is going to need help to get out." I state before looking over my team. At this point all of them have been working here at least ten years, though at least a one might be approaching retirement age. Would have to find a replacement. Its easy work though.

"Your retired Professor Chaos." Nick said breaking my run away thought. "You been retred for so long that very few people still actively talk about you."

"Semi-retired." I corrected him. "But I don't plan to break him out of prison myself. Do you have any ideas Nick?" Nick had been with me for a really long time. I knew he had more than enough to retire and live comfortable with the wages I pay him. He stayed on as my right hand man because he was my closest friend.

"Well Do to our policy of having given several gangs start up funds, I believe that we have several gangs in that city. Maybe we could give them a bit more funding and a push into that making a jail break happen." Nick explained and I nodded along with him as he spoke. The idea he had was actually better than any I had, but this new villain had got me itching to get back into the game. Hopefully I can do that via him.

"There might be one of them with members inside that we could prod to break out one of there members." Brenda added quickly, brushing a strand of bright red hair out of her hair in a frutile way. That hair always seemed to have a mind of its own and end right in her face. She had been just out of university with her marketing degree when she and a bunch of people applied for jobs here.

Nick had been the one in the interview room, I watched them all from the closed circut television. That would of been about twelve years ago now. Most of the people being interviewed where not intelegent enough, or those that where intelegent enough where ambitious enough to not be a lifer with a single company. Out of the finalists, me and Nick had chosen her, she seemed the best candiate. She sure had worked out too.

"That is as a solid of a plan as any that I was thinking of." I stated as I looked around the room one more time. Proud of the loyality that everyone here had, it was to me the most important quality. "Make sure you use one of the relable mercenaries as a middle man between us and the Gang that you find. I know that it might take a while to do the research to find the right gang with the right motivation, but I have faith in my team. Lets break an armless Doctor out of Jail."

Right as everyone one was getting up and leaving I couldn't help but utter my new modus operandus. "Being annoymous allows us to cause the uttermost chaos."

Goblins Tribal

 Pauper Goblins Deck Video Deck List Creatures: 28 4 x Raging Goblin 4 x Crazed Goblin 4 x Goblin Arsonist 4 x Akki Blizzard-Herder 3 x Sti...