Monday, 5 December 2022

Novalina'dia Ravecyne

Father –

I don't really remember much about my father, due to the fact that he died when I was only some where in my 30's so many centruries ago. The one thing that I do remember is he knew what he had to do in order to protect his kids, and friends. Though that is hard when you are fighting people who are much more advanced than you. People that can step on you and not even notice you are there.

If one thing he taught to me sunk in, that still remembered is always protect those that are not able to protect themselves. My older sister took this lesson to heart as well, but we approach how to do this in totally different ways. Maybe it is because she knew father better, and watched his method fail.

Mother – Valranth Ravecyne

The thing about my mother is that while she was longer, my sister calms she changed when he died. Something about her losing her solemate or something. She would go any mission for the war effort she could. She was really trying to die in combat, something about that being the only reasonable way to die. I don't quiet understand that line of thinking to be honest with you, especially with her bad luck that kept her from meeting her end.

The thing I know is that it felt like she abandoned me, and my sister too. This left a very a strong impact on me, of how you treat those you care about the most. This is probable why I am as old as I am, and still single. Humanity still needs protection from outside forces, or from humanity, and until the world is truely safe I can't really stop to think about having a family of my own.

Growing up during a war that lasts as long as the one we lived through changes you, as I have seen with my sister, and several others. There are times when I sit back and hypothesis what my life would of been like if I was born after the most major war that I have ever seen. One where Humanity, well most of humanity faught for its freedom.

All of our family was one of those who fought, even when I was not an adult I was part of the war learning how to fight at a young age. Fighting at a young age, probable because my sister wanted me to be good at protecting myself if nothing else.

Anyways, after the war is when I finally believed my sister about Mother having changed after the war. She kind of just went through the motions of living. She lost a lot of her luster for life, I think it was probable due to the fact that she realized fate didn't want her to join her husband until she died a natural death. The only time she seems to care about living is when me or my sister visit her. Than she comes out of her shell and cares about living.

Norose'akai Raveycne

So the thing with growing up, is I am unsure how I am suppose to act as a proper elf. I realize there are probable cultural things that I just don't really understand. That is probable because my sister and my mother are the only others elf I knew for my first hundred years of life. From inquiring from other elfs, it is common for elf siblings to be several decades different in age, and thats true of Noro. She is over three decades my elder.

She made sure that I was always well looked after. I am sure that she sometimes broke the rules to make sure I had food. She was like a shadow, you could never see her in the dark. Even I had a hard time knowing if she was in the same room as me, and I was her sister. Don't get me wrong I love my sister to the core, but I know that she is willing to be a criminal to protect those she cares about.

A prime example of this is when on my hundredth birthday, when I finally became an adult and was no longer a child she wanted to properly celebrate. In order to do this, she had a plan, which involved her she disappearing for a whole month. Arriving back a few days before my birthday, and wouldn't tell me where she had been, or why she had abandoned her post. I am only thankful for the fact that at that time we were not a known camp of rebels. That is probable because like most camps we were hidden in the Wode.

Though on the night of when my birthday was, my sister procured a bunch of the strong stuff. We got really well and totally wasted. I don't quite remember all the mischief we got into that night. I do know that the next day I went on a mission. I don't even remember the exact details of the mission, I think it may have been a scouting mission to find a safe place to build a watch point from.

This maybe my bias showing but I always felt that my sister was very good at being a shadow, as well as surviving off anything. Both of those things I wish I could do myself, but neither was my expertise. I am best while fighting with a rapier and shield, preferable in armour heaver than leather, but lighter than plate. For ranged I prefer darts, which others have understand and done the same, but others look at me weird for not using the Bow and Arrows. They are the rare people who don't understand that you can have a ton more darts in the same space as arrows.

As well as the fact that the the heaver armor takes a lot longer to put on. Me and my sister both agree that lighter armour is better for you than the strong armour. While I may not be as good at sneaking around and killing people in the dark as my sister, I can steal sneak around better in the light armour.

Zenith Champion

So this was at one time a military order of Sillelio dedicated to being as much of a champion for humans. At one time it had many members. I think the history of this order has been lost to the madness of Sillelio. Like the Church of the Morning Sun, the Zenith Champion's focus on Protection and Hope.

Tenates of Faith

Sunlight: With the power of the Sun at its highest point, no enemies of humanity can hide anywhere. Therefore that is when they are there weakest and must be destroyed.

Night heat: It is said that the sun's heat stays around even after the sun sets. As best seen in places that have shadows, the ground will release the stored up energy. Just like this we have to hunt the enemies of humanity, even where and when they are strongest.

Sunstroke: Just like the sun gives us good things, to much good things can be bad. The sun is no different to much time in the sun can cause us pain and suffering. We must not pursue and punish Enemies to the point of where the sacrifice and protection of humanity has.


When the sun raises at the beginning of the day, at the time when the sun is at its Zenith, and when the sun sets is when the Zenith Champion must pray. No less than 10 minutes, no more than 30 minutes of prayer each time.


So I was assigned to a scouting group to figure out an enemies stronghold. It went very badly, I don't think it was the giants who ambushed us. I just think we came across something unrelated to the war that ambushed us and demolished us all. I would of bleed out and died that day if, Karamedyees, (Medyees), hadn't come across us.

I owe my life to him, though I don't really appreciate the how that he did it. From what I was informed the others where already dead, and I was on the way there. It doesn't change the fact that there body fluids and parts where used to save my life.

Unfortunately or fortunately depending on how you look it that wasn't the last time that he saved my life. Though that was probable the time that I was closest to death that he saved my life. I have also come across Medyees in places of civilization, and the wilds while in good health and learnt that he is about a century younger than me. Though Loxodon's don't age the same way that Elves do, he is a decent enough person if you do not get in his way while he is healing.

Lady Zed

After the war I started wondering the world, rooting out evils. Never really doing anything major or epic but helping out a few people here and there. It turns out you can do a lot without doing anything at all. Which on one hand is disapointing, but on the other hand you get to deal with the imediate dangers of the those around you.

It is through this protectiong of humanity that I met the Human who called herself Lady Zed. I am unsure if the title of Lady was of true nobility or if she was just pretending, but she seemed to know a lot of human aristocratical traditions. Though out of her traveling companions, I seemed to be the only one that stuck around a while.

That is how I learnt that weather or not she was a Lady would not impact that she was a Thief with enemies who where hunting her down. I never really got any type of story from her, but as she was my friend. I protect my friends, even if that relationship is not returned to me.

Eventually she decided to settle down with another human that we had travelled with that flirted with her. To top it off she had decided to settle down on a farm, away from really any form of civilization. I understand her reasoning behind this and completely supported it at the time

Derek Drematize

Humans don't live that long, they tend to be frail beings. Though both Lady Zed and her husband died of old age, surrounded by there family. Most of the kids left for other things, a few stuck around the farm to help it be profitable and sustainable. Though it was never a more than about twenty people working and living on the farm at a time. Those that did want to stay did leave to find spouses.

Derek has Lady Zed's red hair so I know he is of one of her children and not one that they have married. As well as that he is the current head of the farm, and from what I can tell a person who wants his farm to survive as best as he can.

I try to make sure I visit the farm ever two to five years, but there have been times when the visits are closer to ten years. I always do my best to visit either during harvest or during the planting season in order to provide help. I always do it for just the food, and sleep where ever there is room: Outside, in the barn, in the cellar or wherever.

I am family friend and have watched Derek go from being a young child to a grown man to a father of many. I share news of the world with them when I stop over. Never mentioning that I am doing this as favour to Lady Zed and her husband. I really think that they have a nice place for themselves. Though it being along a travelled road does help somewhat.

Friday, 19 August 2022

Walkverse Interlude One

 The four televisions where showing the same story but from different angles. As the different networks had different camera on the scene at the same. I had it on repeat and this was my tenth time watching the whole thing from the start to the finish, and the laughter finally finished.

I turned the Televisions off, and began to pass across my persian rug. "He has such class, it would be a shame for some one with that much style to be locked away. Though he is going to need help to get out." I state before looking over my team. At this point all of them have been working here at least ten years, though at least a one might be approaching retirement age. Would have to find a replacement. Its easy work though.

"Your retired Professor Chaos." Nick said breaking my run away thought. "You been retred for so long that very few people still actively talk about you."

"Semi-retired." I corrected him. "But I don't plan to break him out of prison myself. Do you have any ideas Nick?" Nick had been with me for a really long time. I knew he had more than enough to retire and live comfortable with the wages I pay him. He stayed on as my right hand man because he was my closest friend.

"Well Do to our policy of having given several gangs start up funds, I believe that we have several gangs in that city. Maybe we could give them a bit more funding and a push into that making a jail break happen." Nick explained and I nodded along with him as he spoke. The idea he had was actually better than any I had, but this new villain had got me itching to get back into the game. Hopefully I can do that via him.

"There might be one of them with members inside that we could prod to break out one of there members." Brenda added quickly, brushing a strand of bright red hair out of her hair in a frutile way. That hair always seemed to have a mind of its own and end right in her face. She had been just out of university with her marketing degree when she and a bunch of people applied for jobs here.

Nick had been the one in the interview room, I watched them all from the closed circut television. That would of been about twelve years ago now. Most of the people being interviewed where not intelegent enough, or those that where intelegent enough where ambitious enough to not be a lifer with a single company. Out of the finalists, me and Nick had chosen her, she seemed the best candiate. She sure had worked out too.

"That is as a solid of a plan as any that I was thinking of." I stated as I looked around the room one more time. Proud of the loyality that everyone here had, it was to me the most important quality. "Make sure you use one of the relable mercenaries as a middle man between us and the Gang that you find. I know that it might take a while to do the research to find the right gang with the right motivation, but I have faith in my team. Lets break an armless Doctor out of Jail."

Right as everyone one was getting up and leaving I couldn't help but utter my new modus operandus. "Being annoymous allows us to cause the uttermost chaos."

Wednesday, 16 March 2022



I do not remember my birth, but from what I can gather from attending other births, I have a good idea. My mom was the one who went around helping others to help them in the birthing process. While I travelled with her to several of the surrounding Piney people I never did find it rather interesting. I did have a bit of a natural talent for medicine.

Piney's at least the ones that I have met tend to live in really small communities. My dad's job interested me much more than my mom's. Being part of a group that protected several of the small communities of Pineys from the Gnolls and other dangers of the Wode. To the point where Dad always said that I learnt how to wield weapons before I learnt to walk. The weapon is always a different type of weapon though, whatever it was I was using that assignment.

Though the weapon I have the greatest foundness for is the Crossbow. To the point where I figured out how to reload it much faster than normal. Though other weapons have advantages over the Crossbow. For example the Bow has a much farther range than the crossbow, and the net is good for entangling the enemy. One might want to gather information from the people who are attacking the hamlets.

Piney's are naturally good at finding tracks, or paying attention to when the weather is going to change for the better or worse. I happened to be slightly better at this than even my dad, it kind of fustrated him sometimes. Expesially when I caught the prey before him, never made sense to me why he would care about that, wasn't the goal to catch the prey.

Knowing what the prey you are hunting eats. If its meat or plant helps in knowing where to hunt for that greatly helps in hunting the prey. This is why Piney make good hunters. This is just stuff that we are good at. Its in our blood or it could be the fact that we are people of the Wode. Unsure, don't know, don't care to know why, for it doesn't effect what I do.

Being part of the people who help defend the hamlets did have good things happen. Keeping the area around safe requires you to be able to move heavy logs, move quickly and even break down doors. Forced marching was never really that fun, but it was a good thing to know.

I never learnt how to think while playing the game of Dragon's Chess, but I did understand how the moves worked. This caused me to not win many games, but that didn't stop the fellow Miltia from playing with me. My dad even played with me, but only at home, never with the Miltia.

Several years of working with the Miltia, I butted heads with them. They would not do anything but defence. Never deal with the issues themselves just keep the area they patrolled safe. When just out of that area there were issues that needed to be dealt with.

I went off on my own to deal with some of the issues that effected us, but where not in our area. The very first thing I dealt with was poachers. I knew before I even started that they where an organized group. Though I had to travel above the ground in the trees to find them.

They were rather easy to track down. Even those that thought they were hiding there tracks so well. The issue is people do not look up when they think people are chasing them. It is so funny to see.

The issue I kept running into is the fact that none of the Poachers would willing admit to being part of an organization without being scared out of there life. Though the issue is that when they admitted to being part of a larger organization it was never consistant, or useful information. It was rather frustrating, but after a few years of trying, I had at least killed over a dozen poachers. I knew there was a higher organization behind them, but I could not find it. So I gave up on that front and returned home.

It was two years later when there was more Gnoll's attacking than normal. It was hard for the milita to keep them out of the area. I went off on my own and hunted the gnolls. I vowed that that the issue of the Gnolls attacks would never be a problem again. If I couldn't figure out the poaching organization I would make sure that the Gnolls went extinct.

By the time the volcano started up, I was so good at hunting Gnolls, I had learnt everything about there paterns. Where to hit them to make them hurt more, and even there language.

Sunday, 13 February 2022

Graz Journal Part One


Day One:
So, I am too old for festivals. But I always get a chuckle out of my loxdon friend losing money on card games. He knows me to well that I can not seem to win constantly or even often so its always fun to see him lose. Though the city official's know what is what, A good cup of' is always the best way to discuss business. I think it was a tea with some oil of bergamot in it. Either way the tea was delicious and wonderful. Like most good cup's is best served black, no additives in it.

I have had some just awful cups, and some cups that they added nasty tasting. When offered cup it is very rude to turn it down or make like it doesn't taste anything but good. Which means when your offered a truly and generally good cup you enjoy it. Heck this was better than my own personal tea, but than again why wouldn't the leader of the town get the best tea he can get.

I regret not taking some of there tea for my own uses. It was good tea, weather you believe me or not. I have a lot of regrets, it is what happens when you live a life as eventful as I have. Especially with since I started hanging out with these three others I am currently on an adventure with. They are very efficient in what they do.

We got our three horses and cart, and left the city for the more quiet country side. The first night I had a tea, and on my watch I practiced my lute playing. Trying to work on a new balled I am working on to show off how epic and gruesome my Loxdon's compatriots method of killing others truly is.

I sleep much better with a good cup of tea, than without a good cup of tea.

Day two.

Saw a sparrow in the morning, discussed with Mason if it was a good sign or an omen. Don't quite remember who was arguing for what, or what we came to in the end. I think it was just something to talk about rather than stare of into the forest. We did pass a few people walking down the road, we nodded to them and they nodded to us. Otherwise we did not interact with the people we passed.

Saved the tea for the night meal, the afternoon meal I just had water for it. The Cup was good, the meal was standard fair for the road. Any meal is greatly improved though with a good cup. All I have is standard Green, should of got some better stuff while in Thael. Another regret added to the pile of regrets, but can't focus to much on the regrets.

Once again I took the third watch, though this time I practiced my kick dancing. I say practice, but the dance is like second nature. I have done it for so many years of my childhood, and some of my young adult years in addition to just practicing it over the years that its as simple and straight forward as breathing. It doesn't take any mind power at all to do this dance.

Day Three

More birds today in the sky. I think one of them was a Sparrow. Wasn't sure. I don't remember what me and the others talked about. It really wasn't important. Though I do recall I played cards with the others at both meal. Some how I came out with the same money I went in, without gaining or losing money. That was a bit weird.

Once again the Cup made the meal so much better. Even a bad and awful cup will make a meal better. There is just something divine about a good cup. Or it could be I am over focused on a good cup because the food is awful and travelling from one place to another is always the most tiresome. Being in places is fun, its why I stayed with Ms Cellina for more than I intended to. Even when I was a child travelling was no fun. The new places where always cool and exciting, but the travelling itself, I could pass on.

I was suppose to take the third watch that night, but the Gnolls did a very good jo of trying to kill me. I think they nearly succeeded. Another near death experience, and like all the others time I have had them they tired me out. I think that the Loxodon ended up taking my watch. I know this because the rest of the travel is a blur except him complaining that he had to take the watch the whole time.

As mentioned earlier the rest of the travel was a blur. The next thing I recal was entering the town.

Town – Day One

We entered into the Town of Sourstone some time after the lunch meal, before the super meal. I was really glad that we had real food. It made me so happy to get the blood out of my fur. If you never had fur or blood in your fur than you have no idea how much blood sticks in your fur. I sometimes wish I did not have fur and had human style of skin. That would make the blood easier to get out, means that I would need less baths.

Just bath long enough to get the blood out, never any longer. Though I didn't bath tell after we ate, and the food was good. Tons of food is great after you have had days of rations on the road. The food that Nakara supplied was good, as was the info that was given. He mentioned the fact that the Flameborn came through here.

Took a while for me to understand who and what the Flameborn where. They are people who want to see the world burn so it can be reborn. An exploding volcano would sure do that to at least part of the world. I hope I am wrong that they are behind this. Would be so much simpler if it was just an easier fix than people, but than again the easiest fix tends to be people doesn't it.

I was planning on playing on the stage, the dust wouldn't of bothered me. I could of judged the crowd to determine what type of music would go well with the dance I do to best entertain them. Though while searching the room, the bed just looked so much more comfortable than the ground outside. I just had to take a nap. Than after doing a quick bath, I just had to nap more. My old bones ached.

I have never been this close to a religion. The Flameborn need to be exterminated. I should learn about the legit religion before I exterminate them. Tried to do that and talk with Abigail, unfortunately the fence caught fire and we had to deal with that. After the fire and attackers are dealt with will try to make these old bones remember to talk with her, or at the very least get her holy book from her.

Goblins Tribal

 Pauper Goblins Deck Video Deck List Creatures: 28 4 x Raging Goblin 4 x Crazed Goblin 4 x Goblin Arsonist 4 x Akki Blizzard-Herder 3 x Sti...