Monday 30 July 2018

J. Nitiros Farmer

Name: J. Nitiros Farmer
Race: Varient Human Class/Level: Rogue 1 / Cleric 1 / Monk 1 / Cleric 1 XP: 300
Age: 53 Height: 5 foot 6 inchies Skin: Caucausion
Strength:          12            +1

Dextertity         16           +3
 Constitution:   12          +1
Inteligence         9            -1 
Wisdom            18           +4 
Charisma          11          +0
Saving Throws: Dexterity, Intelligence
HP: 21

 Hit Dice: 4d8
 Passive Perception: 23 
Passive Investigation: 17
AC: 14

Profencies: Light Armour, Medium Armour, Heavy Armour, Sheilds, Martial Weapons, Simple Weapons, Longswords, Shortswords, Rapiers, Hand Crossbows
Thieves tools Set of Dice Land Vehichles

Rapier, Short Bow 17 arrows, Quiver, Explorers Pack,
Leather Armour, Two Daggers, Theives Tools

Insignia of Rank, Broken Blade (trophy), Bone Dice, Set of Common Clothes.

Sneak Attack: +1d6

Languages: Dwarven, Common. Theives Cant

Skills: Acrobatics +5, Athletics +3, Insight +2, Investigation + 2, Perception + 8, and Stealth +7

Expertise: Perception, Stealth

War Priest: when you use the attack action, you can use this to gain an attack as a bonus action 4 times per long rest.

Guided Strike: An attack roll, you can use your channel Divinty to Gain a +10 to the roll. 1/day

Cantrips: Sacred Flame, Spare the dying, Thaumturgy
1st level: Command, Cure Wounds, Shield of Faith

Feat: Observant
read lips, languages I can speak
+5 passive Wisdom, and Passive investigation + 5

85 gold
39 silver
25 copper

2 x tankard full of ale
3 x torchs
Hemp Rope + Grappling hook
2 days of rations
Mess Kit

Martial Arts
Unarmoured Defence

Goblins Tribal

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