Tuesday, 13 March 2018


Using the PHB, The PHB II, and The Forgoten Realms Campaign Guide (the last for the Retribution Domain)
Detect Posion, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Resistance, Resistance, Detect Magic
1st level
Bless, Bless, Command, Cure Light Wounds, Cure Light Wounds, Entropic Shields, Obscuring Mists, Shield of Faith Domain - Shield of faith
2nd level
Aid, Augry, Augry, Darkness, Enthrall, Find Traps Domain - Endurance
3rd level
Blindness/Deffness, Create Food and Water, Dispell Magic, Dispell Magic, Invisibility Purge, Magic Vestment, Domain - Speak with dead
4th level
Discern Lies, Freedom of Movement, Poison, Restoration, Tongues Domain - Fireshield
5th level
Mana Flux: Mana Flux: Raise Dead: Righteous Might: True Seeing: Wall of Stone:
Domain - Mark of justice
6th level
Chasing Perfection: Bull’s Strength, Mass: Bear’s Endurance, Mass: Find the Path:
Domain - Banishment
7th Level
Plague: Pulse of Hate: Repulsion: Scrying, Greater: Domain – Spell Turning
8th Level
Chain Dispel: Discern Location: Spell Immunity, Greater: Visions of the Future:
Domain - Discern lacation
9th level
Etherealness: Heal, Mass: Miracle: True Resurrection: Domain - Storm of vengeance

Goblins Tribal

 Pauper Goblins Deck Video Deck List Creatures: 28 4 x Raging Goblin 4 x Crazed Goblin 4 x Goblin Arsonist 4 x Akki Blizzard-Herder 3 x Sti...