Sunday 6 November 2016

Mech Warrior 2

Damien Riggs

Agility        1
Appearance    0
Build        0
Creativity    0
Fitness        1
Influence    0
Knowledge    1
Perception    2
Psyche        1
Willpower    0

Secondary Attributes
Strength        0
Health            1
Stamina        30
Unarmed Damage    3
Armed Damage        4

Flesh wound Threshold=  15
Deep Wound Threshold = 30
Instant Death Threshold = 60
System Shock = 6

• Animal Handling
• Archery
• Athletics        Rank 1 Complexity 1
• Business   
• Combat Sense    Rank 1 Complexity 3   
• Craft (Specific)
• Defense        Rank 1 Complexity 1
• Demolition/Traps
• Disguise
• Etiquette (Clans)    Rank 1 Complexity 1
• Forgery (Specific)
• Gambling
• Gunnery (Lasers)    Rank 2 Complexity 1
• Hand-to-hand
• Heavy Weapons
• Information Warfare
• Interrogation    Rank 1 Complexity 2
• Investigation
• Language (Specific)
• Leadership
• Medicine
• Melee        Rank 1 Complexity 1
• Natural Sciences
• Navigation (Specific)
• Negotiation
• Notice        Rank 1 Complexity 2
• Personal Flight Device
• Performance Art
• Pilot (Mech)    Rank 2 Complexity 1
• Riding
• Seduction
• Sleight-of-Hand
• Small Arms    Rank 1 Complexity 1
• Social Sciences (Specific)
• Stealth        Rank 1 Complexity 1
• Streetwise
• Survival        Rank 1 Complexity 1
• Teaching
• Technical Sciences
• Tinker
• Throwing
• Trivia/Lore (Specific)
• Visual Art (Specific)
• Zero-G        skill rank 3 Complexity 3

Acute Senses (sight)
The character has sharp eyes and tends to notice faraway or small items more readily than other people. He gets a +1 modifier for Notice checks based on vision. The downside is that sudden bright lights (stepping out of a dim area into sunlight) can momentarily blind a character.
The character can use either hand for tasks requiring manual dexterity without the “Using Off Hand” penalty, though he may not attack twice per action. Ambidextrous has no downside.
The character is exceptionally vulnerable to radiation poisoning. When making Health checks for status, he gets a -1 modifier to his dice roll.

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